Gale looked at Tiger again "Oh its nothing, sorry for the trouble."
She said before hopping on Dragonair and flying off. Cody watched
her with a smug in his face "Pathetic dragons," He muttered and
also left.
Tiger blinked in confusion, and looked at Cyndaquil. "Should we
follow her" Cyndaquil asked softly. Tiger shrugged "well I mean I
should really head to a pokemart to get some medicine for my arm,
so we'll be flying the same direction as her. So if we run into her
then I guess so...she seemed like she wanted something" he said
under his breath, and called out Dusk. The Pokemon mega evolved for
quicker flight and Tiger climbed onto the Pokemon. Dusk then flew
toward Goldenrod where the medicine collection was a bit larger.
Snowflake shouted when the unfezant pecked her. Snowflake tackled
the Unfezant towards the window, and both of the Pokemon ended up
falling out. "Snowflake!" Dream yelled, running towards the window.
She got out Odets Pokeball.
Cyndaquil dug through Tiger's bag and found his wallet. "We have
the pd for the medicine right" Tiger asked his Pokemon as Dusk
waited for the signal to take flight. Cyndaquil nodded "yeah we
even have some extra in case we get something to eat" Cyndaquil
replied. Tiger nodded, and looked at a small berry pouch that he
kept in his pocket. "Alright Dusk lets go" Tiger said kindly. Dusk
then took flight, and almost caught up to Gale, and her Dragonair.
Dusk landed near the center. Tiger nodded a thanks to the mega
charizard, and returned him. He then walked towards the pokemart
Cyndaquil was now on his shoulder. The boy then saw Gale slightly a
bit further up "looks like we did follow her unintentionally" Tiger
said softly to Cyndaquil. The fire mouse nodded and looked at the
pokemart ahead.
Dream sent out her Swanna to catch Snowflake. Odet grabbed
Snowflake and flew up, but she left the unfezant. They flew back
into the room. "Phew.." Dream sighs.
"Dewott dew wott.. (What was that...)" Snowflake says.
Cody who couldn't miss the opportunity also followed. He then wrote
a note that said "Meet me at route 29, winner gets 100,000
PokeDollors." He then used Gardevoir to send it to Gale using
Fairy Wind.
Tiger walked past Gale and into the pokemart. He then went to the
floor guide being this is the superstore in Johto "alright
so the medicine floor is a few floors up. Is there anywhere you
want to eat" Tiger asked Cyndaquil softly. Cyndaquil nodded and
pointed to a small shop on the same floor of the medicine floor.
totally isn't changing the superstore to more of a mall like
"I don't know.." Dream mutters. She looks at her Pokemon and
smiles. "Good job, both of you." She returns her Pokemon. She
looked at the broken window. Her mother won't be home for some
time, but when she does get home, she is going to question what
happened to the window. She looked outside. The unfezant seemed to
have flown away.
Tiger went to the elevator, and rode it up to the floor for the
medicine. He then grabbed some medicine and placed them into his
bag, "have a nice day" the clerk said once he handed the money
over. Tiger nodded, and walked out of the medicine shop.
Gale arrives at Route 27 and finds Cody waiting. Without saying a
word to each other they sent out their pokemon, Garchomp and
klefkli. "Earthquake," Gale said but Cody came back with a double
team. Cody then set up light screen, while Garchomp went for
another earthquake. Klefki got hit and fainted. Next Cody sent out
jigglypuff, who quickly used sing on the garchomp and then used
wake-up slaps to finish him off.
Tiger walked to a chair, and began to use one of the ice heals on
his arm. It soon stopped randomly freezing with ice, and went back
to normal. The boy then sighed softly, and put his jacket on. He
then looked at Cyndaquil who was looking out one of the windows on
the floor.
"You're the previous Kanto Champion, aren't you? Aren't you?" An
excited girl of about 13 asks Victor, jumping about excitedly with
a Fennekin.
"Yes, I am." Victor replies as he was walking towards Elm's lab in
He was almost there, and the girl, named Laura was following
(I'll be creating a full-fledged form for Laura soon)
Elm sighed, and walked back to the main room.mhe hung Tiger's lab
coat up and went to his desk hmm Lion attacked Tiger...he
doesn't fully assault Tiger unless provoked, or Tiger does
something extremely dumb...I wonder if it's linked to the
others he thought to himself as he wrote notes on Lion's
Gale next sends out Haxorus, who quickly charges with a giga impact
knowing if they gave these fairies a moment to breathe it would be
all over. Jigglypuff gets a narrow dodge and hits powerful wake-up
snaps while haxorus is getting back energy from using the giga
impact. Haxorus regains enough energy to fire a hyper beam right up
close to jigglypuff but the light shield from klefki saved it
enough time to hit haxorus again knocking both pokemon out. Next up
came Tyrantrum against Slyveon. Immidietly Sylveon used attract
entrancing tyrantrum into a harmless state. The slyveon then
started stacking up calm minds and when tyrantrum awoken it was
already too late, the pokemon shot a moonblast at tyrantrum
crushing any chance it had of winning that fight. Gale sent out
Dragonair which wasent affected by attract giving it the chance to
shoot a thunder wave at slyveon. Sadly the slyveon wasen't
paralyzed right away and was able to hit Dragonair with a moonblast
as well.
(summery: Haxorus and jigglypuff drawed, slvyeon beat tyrantrum and
dragonair but got paralyzed, last pokemon Gale has: Mega salamence)
Victor knocks on the lab door, and waits for professor Elm to open
Laura, for the moment, stops hammering her questions on Victor.
Victor's Raichu, Volt is near his feet, and his mega Charizard X is
resting after the tedious flight from Kanto to Johto.
Tiger got up, and went to the food court. "Alright bud I got your
lunch. We should head back to make sure Elm is fine with Lion" he
said in concern. Cyndaquil blinked, and grabbed the Pokemon food.
"Why do you always have to work. I mean we were given the rest of
the day off" the Pokemon said softly. Tiger then sighed and thought
of his rival. "I just want to know what happened to Lion...I
promise once we get more info I'll take it easy the rest of the
day" he said to Cyndaquil who then nodded. Tiger and Cyndaquil then
went back outside.
Elm went to the door, and opened it. "Come on in, Victor" Elm said
kindly, and looked at Laura. "As for you please just leave him
alone. He probably had enough to questions for the day" he said
kindly to the girl.