Tiger nodded slightly "land we can't fight it in the air" Tiger
said he was concerned for his Pokemon's safety. Dusk nodded, and
flew toward the ground. Haunter then followed, and knocked Tiger
off Dusk with shadowball. The boy then fell towards the ground
which was still a few feet away.
"I think we should go to find Tiger. He had gone to Goldenrod, so
we must go towards it. We'll be bound to meet him." Victor says,
Clair nods, and prepares Dragonite. Victor sets off on Flare.
Dusk growled, and shook the shadowball off. Bonezer looked at Dusk
"Tiger fell" he said swiftly. The charizard looked down for a
moment, and saw Tiger attempting to grasp a treetop as he fell. The
charizard then dived down, and went to catch Tiger. The Haunter
laughed "now time to finish this" he said lowly, and used a
shadowball once more. Dusk went to dodge, but got hit. The
charizard then fainted, and crashed onto the ground.
Flare flies at high speeds. Victor mega evovles it to X form to
increase its speed. Flare soon reaches Tiger, and sees Dusk fallen
down. He used a thunder Punch on haunter.
Haunter was hit with thunder punch. Tiger then managed to slow
himself down by grasping a branch that he was falling close to. He
then growled, and crashed to the ground. "You think a small thunder
punch will defeat me" he said lowly.
Haunter gets hit with the flare blitz. He then growled, and slid
back loosing a little over half his health. "I need to take out all
the humans who wish to stop our plans" he growled, and sent off a
Haunter growled as he got hit. He then looked at Tiger once more
"why don't you let your Marowak join our cause. He's a ghost not a
ground Pokemon" he demanded to Tiger. Tiger then grunted and sat up
"Bonezer will never betray me" he said in a growl.
Flare lands. "Let's double the fun! My dark types won't forgive
you!" Victor shouts, and let's out Incineroar and Greninja.
"You won't be able to control them.." Victor says to haunter.
The Haunter growled as he had no effect on the two dark Pokemon. "I
may not, but I can still fight" he said lowly. The pokemon then
materializes into the ground and hid in the shadows.
"Let's see..." Victor says as he tried to think of a solution to
find haunter. Volt goes to dig a hole in the ground to find
haunter. Once Volt makes a tunnel, Greninja used dark pulse inside
Haunter gets hit with the move, but stays hidden. Tiger then looked
at the shadows of the trees. He then looked at Dusk who was still
awake. The Pokemon was forcing himself to not faint "Dusk, can you
use a flamethrower on the shadow" Tiger whispered. The Pokemon
nodded, and used a flamethrower it hit the Haunter causing the
Pokemon to be knocked out of the shadow.
"Thanks" Dusk nodded weakly, and watched as Haunter got hit. The
ghost Pokemon then growled, and fainted from the super effective
move. Upon seeing that Haunter was no longer a threat, Dusk
Flare goes to tend for Dusk. Victor recalls Sirius and Greninja.
The shiny Incineroar refuses to go into his Pokeball, and does a
hero-pose, he xpecting admiration. (The poses from the Incineroar
reveal animation).
Tiger looked at Dusk in worry. The Pokemon was fainted, and with a
light tail flame, but wasn't to badly injured. He then looked at
Victor "thank you" he said with a nod, and grunted as he got to his
feet. He then went to Dusk, and examined the charizard for any
visible injuries.
Tiger nodded "still thank you for coming, and helping" he said
simply. Dusk then grunted as the medicine from Tiger kicked in. The
charizard then shook his head clear, and yawned.