Once Hypno fainted the Mimikyu froze. "The leader is down we need
to retreat" one of them whispered. the second then nodded "alright,
but we should take one of his Pokemon in order to send a message"
the second whispered. The first one nodded, and ran off. Raichu
then fell to the ground, and fainted. The second Mimikyu then went
to run off with Cyndaquil following it blindly.
"Let's go, guys!" Palossand commands. Clair's Turtonator, and Volt
begin to follow Palossand blindly. Incineroar tries to jump to save
Volt, but fails. Clair comes to her senses. "Ator!" She shots,
trying to stop the Turtonator.
Tiger blinked in shock, and ran after Cyndaquil. "No stop!" Tiger
yelled. The Mimikyu looked over its shoulder, and growled. "Hey
Scorchy boy take care of him" the Pokemon ordered lowly. Cyndaquil
nodded, and used a flamethrower on Tiger causing him to fall over.
The four Pokemon then left the area with Cyndaquil continuing to
"Volt Tackler, use your best move!" Palossand commands. As Victor
tries to stop Volt, the Raichu uses thunder wave without
hesitation, effectively paralysing his owner.
"Turty, flamethrower!" Palossand says to Turtonator, who uses
flamethrower on Clair. They soon escape with Volt and a Turtonator.
Tiger got back to his feet. He was about to follow when he looked
around. He had lost site of Cyndaquil. "No..." Tiger said very
faintly. He then looks at Bonezer, and Raichu. The two were
starting to come to from the fight. Bonezer ran to Tiger "we'll
find him, and save him" the Alolan Pokemon whispered. Tiger nodded
hollowly, and looked at Whitney, and Miltank.
Clair comes to herself, and gets a paralyse heal to Victor. "Don't
worry. We'll get them.." She says soothingly.
The Staraptor gives Darkrai news. "The psychic and ghost types have
stolen the starter Pokemon of previous champions of Kanto and
Johto. They've also stolen Clair's Turtonator."
Darkrai looks hurt at hearing the news.
The dark types sitting around Darkrai give grunts of disgust.
(NPC dark types, so anyone can control them.)
Recalling Raichu, Tiger went to Miltank "thanks for the help"
Whitney said softly. She then got to her feet, and recalled
Miltank. "No problem" Tiger responded lowly, he then looked at
Bonezer. "We need information on those Pokemon" Tiger asked.
Whitney nodded, and thought for a moment "Hypno said that he needed
to gain an army so he can take out the humans, and free the
Pokemon" she said lowly. Tiger nodded, sounds similar to
Mewtwo's plans years ago.. Tiger thought to himself.
"Er..Those Pokemon arrived at Blackthorn, and they managed to steal
away Turtonator, and Volt." Victor replies, his voice breaking. He
was trying to fight back tears.
"I...I'm sorry to hear that" Tiger said softly, and trailed off.
"The....the Mimikyu in Goldenrod...t..they managed to take
Cyndaquil" Tiger said sadly. He looked over to Bonezer once more
who was sitting next to Tiger.
"We try, and save them" Tiger said slightly determined. "We need to
figure out how we can lure the Pokemon who are attacking to us.
Then we can attack" Tiger suggested.
"For now, I think we should return to New Bark." Victor says, Clair
breaks in.
"I'm coming to New Bark. I want to rescue Ator." She says.
"Oh, Clair will be coming too." Victor says to Tiger.
Clair sends out Dragonite. "Let's go." She says. Victor closes his
Pokegear, and send some out Flare. Dragonite and Charizard begin to
fly towards New Bark with Victor and Clair.
Tiger called out Dusk, and climbed onto the Pokemon. He then looked
at Bonezer who climbed onto Dusk as well. The Pokemon then flew
towards NewBark town. What ever is happening. I need to save
Cyndaquil...he's always been there for me, and if I can't save him
then it'll be Pichu all over again Tiger thought to himself
Tiger looked at Dusk who was gliding on the wind. The charizard
looked ahead as he flew. When Cherrygrove was in site the Pokemon
screamed in shock. "What's wrong" Tiger asked swiftly. The
charizard was then hit with a shadowball. "A Haunter is attacking"
Dusk said lowly.