Forum Thread
The Nightmares in Johto (not accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Nightmares in Johto (not accepting)rules:
No wasting comments, ads for other roleplays (unless allowed by me), spams, or OOC fighting
Please have readable posts I don't mind grammar errors, but I don't want posts like
Tiger go to the center, and got Cyndaquil, or I went into the center and grabbed my cyndaquil.
No power playing, god modding, or bunnying
Special abilities are allowed, but only two per character, and no over powering abilities (battle bond is allowed, and so is talking to pokemon)
Pokeheroes rules apply
Darkrai is taken by PkmnTrainerV

Champion of (former champion of):
Special ability:
my form:

Name: Tiger
Age: 18
Champion of (former champion of): Johto (former champion)
Badges: all of Johto, four from Hoenn, and one from Sinnoh
Pokemon: Cyndaquil, Charizard (shiny holding x mega stone) named Dusk, Jolteon named Jolt, Lapras, Chesnaught, and Dragonite
Looks: small for his age (about five foot) with emerald green eyes, and tannish white skin. He has brown hair that has natural black streaks in it, and a burn scar along his right arm.
Wears: black shoes, blue jeans, a blue T-shirt and Black jacket combo, his jacket is always unzipped and it hides his scar. He has a silver wing on a necklace around his neck. He has a blue base ball cap with a golden orange lightning bolt and a key stone attached to the bill of the cap, and a blue backpack.
Rivals: Lion (has been brainwashed)
Special ability: He can talk to pokemon, and he can manage to get his Charizard, Dusk, and Cyndaquil into fighting in sync
Other: Professor Elm's apprentice.
Age: 13
Champion of (former champion of): Former champion of Unova
Badges: Um, obviously all of the Unova badges. You can't be a champion if you haven't got enough badges to be able to beat the league!
Pokemon: Snowflake, (Dewott, female) Odet, (Swanna, female) Sparx, (Emolga male) Soul, (Shiny Reuniclus, female) Rogue (Swoobat female) and Midnight (Absol male) all level 90

Friends: Open
Rivals: Open :3
Special ability: She has prophetic dreams. But it's mostly pretty vague, but if she thinks hard enough, she could work out the meaning.
Age: 21 (3 years older yes always)
Champion of (former champion of): Hoenn Champion (So sorry steven <-<)
Badges: All of hoenn (What cookie said it only makes sense)
Pokemon: Haxorus, Salamence (holding mega stone), Garchomp, Dragalge, Dragonair, and Tyrantrum.
Looks:Basicly my avatar with darker eyes. 4 feet and 6 inches tall.
Wears:Travels with a purple T-Shirt and jeans as well as a pair of green stripes shoes. Also wears a necklace embedded with her keystone.
Rivals: Cody
Special ability: able to talk to specifically only dragon types
Other: hates fairy types
Name: Cody
Age: 23
Champion of (former champion of): Former of Kalos
Badges: all of kalos (go figure)
Pokemon: Slyveon, Gardevoir(mega stoned), Klefki, Jigglypuff
Looks: has flattened out green hair and red eyes hair style covering his left eye.
Wears: A white shirt and a light-blue cloak (not turquoise its lighter dont mix them up :3)
Rivals: Gale
Special ability: can talk specifically to fairy types
Other: hates dragon types
Age: 18
Champion of (former champion of): Former Champion of Kanto
Badges: All of Kanto and Kalos, 4 from Johto
Pokemon: Raichu (named Volt), Charizard (named Flare, holds mega stone x), Typhlosion (Blaze), Dragonair (Shiny, named Shine), Incineroar ( Shiny, Sprite datamined From Sun/Moon demo, named Sirius), Greninja
Looks: Normal height for his age (about 5 feet 10), a bit on the plump side. He has red-brown eyes, and black hair, which have red streaks in them. He has a burn mark on his right hand.
Wears: A white t-shirt, and a red jacket without sleeves. He wears a black wrist watch on his left hand with a rather large crown. A keystone is fixed in the watch's crown.
Special ability: His Typhlosion, Blaze can use Battle Bond to change into VBlaze (art by me), and he can use Aura. He is an aura guardian but dosen't know it.
Other: Has explored most of the Pokemon regions. The only region he dosen't know much about is Unova. He aspires t be a fire type specialist (and is mostly successful with them), and hates water types.
It was a warm day in NewBark as Tiger worked on a Rapidash. He was wrapping a leg on a Rapidash, the Pokemon had broken it in a battle. "Alright just take it easy, and rest, and you'll be back to running with War, and Ember in no time" he said gently, and looked over as he saw Lion. The trainer had a sort of empty look on his face. "Hey Lion!" Tiger greeted kindly, and grabbed his lab coat off the ground he threw it over his right shoulder it slightly covered a scar. A few minutes went by, and Lion didn't respond "umm Lion?" Tiger asked in confusion. He took a step forward and soon felt Lion punch him. "What was that for!" Tiger snapped in a growl as soon as he said that a shiny Rapidash ran over and growled at the trainer. Tiger blinked, and rubbed his cheek he then carefully took another step forward "must...obey" Lion said in a low growl. Tiger blinked in shock, and jumped backwards avoiding another punch "is this some sort of brainwashing?" Tiger said under his breath he then bumped into Blastoise who grasped the trainer by the shoulders and smirked "obey" Blastoise growled lowly.
Cody was also in NewBark he had been following Gale for quite some time now, he watched Gale knock on the window resisting the urge to laugh.