Forum Thread
Pokemon Randomizer
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon RandomizerI chose steel and got a
docile Lucario
Please note you can chose any Pokemon out of the 6 yes you can do legends sadly I didn't get one lol.
Or you can chose any starter evolution Pokemon but that will kinda ruin the fun ;)
And subscribe to the rp I don't like it when people don't do that.
This also forces you since you have a mostly different nature then your RP puppets that I like to call them. Ima start making my character.
Name: Harkonar
Gender: male
W.I.P I'm going to school soon.

Art credit: gelatin
You're Pokemon are...
Modest goodra
Lax Vibrava
Serious Gabite
Careful Flygon
Sassy Dragonair
Serious reshiram
((Macho please stop with the first person I made that mistake when I started doing rps))
Your Pokemon are...
Modest Suicune
Sassy lapras
Gentle quagsire
Serious Floatzel
Bold swanna
Mild dewott
Harkonar looked at blaze and asked is there anyone else around besides you. Harkonar said trying to keep calm that he was speaking to a Pokemon.
Shadow creatures held a knife to the roped human and cut his arm dropping his blood into a pan one drinked his blood and became a nightmarish being before he could be "Harvested again" Somthing dropped him into a portal he was knocked out drifting in that rift for days.
Pokemon: Gollet
Name: Clem
Gender: was made no gender
Is slightly bigger then a normal gollet.
Ok start up your story while I sleep