Forum Thread
A Pokémon Lock
Forum-Index → Suggestions → A Pokémon LockI've got another suggestion, one that could really benefit everyone ^^ this time, my suggestion is an improvement to the Storage Boxes and Pokémon Profile features, but nothing too major.
I've seen many of my friends release Pokémon that they didn't actually want to release, like their only Deoxys, a shiny mega Pokémon, and even today I accidentally released a shiny magikarp (not a very bad loss, but still). My suggestion is a lock option for Pokémon on their profile, where if you use the feature for said Pokémon, it makes it impossible to trade, release, or put it up in the Auction House. However, it should still be allowed to go on a Rumble Mission or be in a Battle Team. You could also remove the lock at any time should you choose to.
Let me give you an example. There is a mobile game called Kingdom Hearts Unchained X, where your source of power comes from medals. You collect a lot of medals over time and, naturally, you want to sell some to free up space. You can sell any medal you like. However, if you view the details of a specific medal, theres a padlock icon that you can click on, which will "lock" the medal and prevent it from being fused into another Medal or sold.
I feel like a similar feature on Pokéheroes would be highly useful for everyone. It would prevent a lot of serious heartbreak from accidentally releasing a treasured Pokémon. Heck, even I am always majorly nervous when releasing Pokémon, in fear that I would accidentally release one of my shiny megas in my party.
I know that there is some security against that already, what with asking you if you're sure before you release the Pokémon, but trust me, nobody double checks every single time. People don't always pay attention, and this feature could eradicate that problem completely.
Anyway, let me know if you support or disagree with this suggestion, and feel free to leave further suggestions down below ^^ Cheers!
Add a Pokemon to your battle team and it will never be released as it will say that it is a part of your battle team.
This will reduce the chance of deleting valuable Pokemons.
This would be pretty nice in my opinion, I also always worry about releasing one or more of my precious "children." I think it would be useful as a feature, so you have my support.
If you wanted to move the pokemon you had to press the unlock button first.
This won't help for pokemons inside boxes though, users just have to be careful with that.
A box where all the pokemons kept in that box will be never released into the wild.
The box thing might also support the suggestion of Furret of locking all shiny/mega in that box
Reason being, I'm a really nit-picky person when it comes to some of my boxes. What I mean by this is that, well, let's just say a locked box was added. I wouldn't like that because all the Pokemon I'd want locked would have to be put into that one box together, correct?
I have specific boxes for Shinies with my OT, Megas with my OT, and other special things that were gifted to me. I like to keep these separate and have done so for a long time. If only one locked box was added, then I would have to clump them all together and I really don't want all my organization to become scrambled. That would also make all the money I spent buying and upgrading those boxes to accommodate my Pokemon all a waste of money.
I get going through a box and locking everything individually will be a bit tedious, and that some people would complain about that, but I like this suggestion the way it is and I don't want anything to be changed, so @-Axel-, please don't change anything, the suggestion is really good right now in my opinion.
Again, thanks for the feedback!
Lack of safety is the main reason I never keep pokemon in my party to level. If I ever shiny hunt(which I am constantly doing, I think), I don't want to accidentally release my first shiny or my Lugia.
edit: here's a similar one, but not the one I was thinking of. I'll post the other one if I find it later.
edit2: Think this is the one I was thinking of
edit3: sorry about so many edits, buuuuuut Here we are, the thread for that.
May not mention in the first post about locking individual pokemon, but it's talked about throughout the thread.
Sending your Pokemon on a Rumble Mission or placing them in your Battle Team prevents them from being released accidentally.
"But I have more than 24 that I'd like to protect"
Then make a box specifically for them, and never touch that box unless you absolutely need to.
Is there a reason to be doing things quickly? Like killing off Pokemon from the Lab on a x2 or x3 day? If not, then there is no reason why you should not be paying attention to what you are doing.
No support

~I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night~
We already discussed just putting them in a 'Safe Box' and not touching the box, but tell me, don't you ever want to have your best Pokémon in your party? We're looking at a vast majority of the community here, not just you.
The Battle Team method is nice, but that's only 24 possible slots. I'm pretty sure there are lots of people who have more than 24 Pokémon that they cherish~