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School of Magic PG-13 (Started but still accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs School of Magic PG-13 (Started but still accepting)
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 17:49 (11 Years ago)

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We live in a world of magical Ores. There is no one who possess their own magic but, it's is given to those who have hidden potential. Many kids apply to the School of Magic holders of the Ores but, the schools headmaster knows who has hidden potential in them (which is the magic her Ore gave her) and only those kids are accepted. On their first day there Ore will chose them whether they like their power or not. The Ores can speak to there chosen child telepathically and help them learn to unlock their hidden potential. It's difficult training to become a full fledged Ore holder whom control intense amounts of powers. All students learn fighting no matter what their power is because if you use your Ore right you can be able to defeat anything.


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-This is a literate RP which means at least 1 paragraph of about 4 sentences. If it's a battle you can do smaller posts since it's hard to do long posts in battles.

-No power play. One character cannot be all powerful, dodge everything and use moves that never miss even for people with stronger ores. Also, no killing without permission.

-PM me the form for your character. It will be a bit of clutter and I'll make easier for others to find your details by putting them somewhere below.

-Try not to control other peoples character's if they aren't doing much you can kind of nudge them to do something but, if they say no then that's it.

-Character's age between 9-21. I want kind of younger ages sine they are in school.

-Don't be mean to other people. If you hate them or their character then keep it to yourself because we don't care.

-Password is Suicune. I'll edit out the password when I post the character list so it won't be there.

-Do not just post OOC (out of character) talk. Every post must contain character action. That said, you can denote OOC in any way that someone can easily recognize. I use double parenthesis (( )), others use brackets [], some use spoiler text, or color... it goes on, but make sure everyone can tell.

-All complaints are sent to me, Rini, or any Mod/Co-leader I may choose.

-Please don't ask to be a Mod/Co-leader because odds are I probably won't need one.

-If you are going to be gone an extended period of time for vacation or to catch up on stuff, please tell us. Also, try not to leave someone hanging when you do, if at all possible. I know sometimes it's not, but please make a best attempt not to hold up others.

-You may have a max of four characters at one time. If you kill one or two off, you can replace them. If you aren't comfortable juggling four, don't make four. Teachers don't count since they are only in classes.

-Just kidding about the password leave it blank.

-When joining, note the numbers of guys and girls. I won't make you keep it even, but if I get ten girls for every boy, I'm going to stop accepting girls and require all new characters to be boys for a while.

-Use your common sense. Don't do something stupid, whatever it maybe.

-Don't break the rules or you will be warned and or banned.

-Suggestions are highly encouraged. I would love to hear how you think I could improve my RP so you would like it more.

-I may add or remove rules whenever it's needed but I will tell you guys when it does.

-If you want to take over one of my teachers feel free to ask. (Except miss Anne)

-Don't post your forum until the "In Progress" sign is gone from the title.

About the School

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-It's a boarding school
-You aren't allowed to leave the campus without an escort (You aren't trusted :P)
-The school is rich but there isn't an admission fee
-You share rooms with one other person but the rooms are huge.
-The cafeteria food is actually really good
-There will be a list of classes you can take somewhere below
-Even though this isn't a pokemon RP you can have one as a pet just no battling without permission with the other person. You can also havve just a normal animal.
-There is a field on the campus for your pokemon to play
-Sneak off campus if you dare (Which is my plan)
-I am just going to act as the teachers but if someone else wants to be them tell me because I don't really want to be.
-There are pokemon AND animals in this world so if your power has something to do with animals or pokemon be sure to tell the difference.

Nearby Places

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-Super market
...More to come... suggestions welcome


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Power Stabilization from 9:30 am - 10:45 am
Magic practice from 10:45 am - 12:00 pm
Lunch/Break 12:00 am - 1:00 pm
Working with your Ore 1:00 am - 2:15 pm
Battling 2:15 am - 3:15 pm


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Write outside the bold. You can delete anything in ( ). You can PM me if you want to change something later on.

[b]Username:[/b] (Or what you want us to call you)
[b]Name:[/b] (all stuff below applies for your character)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Put a picture/link or describe it.)
[b]Ore Type:[/b](I will tell you if it's too much power/ trump card ore)
[b]Orientation:[/b] (Straight, gay, bisexaul?)
[b]History:[/b] (anything interesting about his/her past)
[b]Pokemon:[/b] (You can have a normal animal too. Only if you want one)

Character List
Miss Nolana - Headmaster (Working with your Ore)
Miss Opulum(Mituna's)- Magic Practice
Mr. Gill - Power stabilization
Miss Anne - Battling
(Username-Character name-Ores Power)(Red is Femlae blue is male)
Rini-Akari-Using Animal Attributes
Rini-Lace-Reads Minds
Rini-Will-Magnetizes anything
Tuna-Zoey-Controls Shadows
Tuna-Dante-Turns into Steel
Yua-Tsuki-Abilities of Psychic Pokemon
Yua-Inari- Control of Fire
Yua-Hikaru-Controls Electricity
Yua-Kori-Controls Ice
Neo-Tuxa-Learns About the Future and Alternate Timelines
Derpy-Rune-Can Make Objects out of Shadows

Character Details
Rini00's Characters
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Username: Rini
Name: Akari
Personality:Super happy, hyperactive, excitable, sassy, clumsy, kind and high temper.
(Credit to the artist)
Ore Type:Can take on certain animal attributes (only 2 at a time) and can switch. Can speak to animals. (Ex. butterfly wings to fly, bunnies jumping ability, tiger's sharp claws, hawk's sight.)
Orientation: Straight
Crush/lover: None (Yet?)
History: Loved playing with animals and pokemon and liked to hang in the trees. Always had a sort of conection with animals and could kind of understand them.
Pokemon: Zorua named Sparkle. The tip of her tail is also red for some reason.
Other: Sparkle loves transforming into other things to trick people and sometimes transforms into other people.

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Username: Rini
Name: Lace
Personality:Mysterious, a little creepy, cool, kind, light on her feet and get her mad and you'll see the face of death,
(Credit to the artist)
Ore Type: Can connect to your mind (read your thoughts, view your memories, speak to you telepathically and send mental pictures)
Orientation: Straight
Crush/lover: None (yet?)
History: People were generally scared of her as a child because she is kind of creepy and no one wanted to get her mad. She was lonely but, didn't care. Her father taught her sword fighting when she was little so she is very good fighting with a sword.
Pokemon: Espeon named Luna with a red ribbon tied around her neck with a moon pendant on it.

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Username: Rini
Name: Will
Personality: Really flirty, a player, good at sports and likes to stay out late with friends.
(Credit to the artist)
Ore Type: Is a human magnet. Can pull any object to him (Even none metals)
Orientation: Straight
Crush/lover: None
History: Moved a lot so he never liked to have long term friends or girlfriends
Pokemon: A Luxio named Dylan
Other: It will be hard to get him to truly love you.

Mr. Gill (Teacher)
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Username: Rini
Name: Mr. Gill
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Personality: Calm, cool and likes seeing his students are having fun.
Appearance: Not my image
Ore Type: Can sense lies and his 5 senses are extra strong
Orientation: Stright
Crush/lover: Married to Miss Anne
History: N/A
Pokemon: Aron name Silver
Other: he teaches Power stabilization

Miss Nolana (Teacher)
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Username: Rini
Name: Miss Nolana
Age: 35
Gender: female
Personality: Happy, friendly,
Appearance: Not my image
Ore Type: Can sense hidden potential in a person and how to unlock it but, won't tell
Orientation: Straight
Crush/lover: Married to a human
History: Don't matter
Pokemon: Shiny Persian named Layla
Other: She teaches Working with your Ore and is headmaster

Miss Anne (Teacher)
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Username: Rini
Name: Miss Anne
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Personality: Intense in matches, a bit scary, listen to what she says or else and is just awesome
Appearance: Not my image
Ore Type: Can change weapons and armor whenever she wants (from thin air) and has extreme strength
Orientation: Straight
Crush/lover: Married to Mr. Gill
History: N/A
Pokemon: Sneasel, named Dagger
Other: She teaches Battling

Mituna's Characters
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Username: Mituna (You can call me Tuna for short if you want~)
Name: Zoey
Age: 17
Gender: female
Personality: Shy, and because she doesn't respond if she has nothing worthwhile to say, some take her to be rather cold. Actually, she's just very introverted, and afraid of what others think of her. She tries not to show her emotions, and generally will try to keep everything bottled inside.
Appearance: here (Credit to the original artist, not me.)
Ore Type: She fights using shadows, being able to bend hers without her actual movement. However, she has to focus on this (really hard to start, at least), and it's really obvious when she's using this ability if you can see her, because he eye will go from normal to how it looks in her picture, and her skin sweeps with a swirling black pattern. Thus, she usually wears a hoodie and avoids facing her opponents.
Orientation: Straight
Crush/lover: None. It will take someone pulling her out of her shell to win her.
History: ... Can I postpone this?
Pokemon: Murkrow, you won't see it battling much or really doing anything besides perching on her shoulder every so often.
Other: She's not a good fighter at all. She's slow and not very strong. If she can get her shadow to her opponent, though, she can strangle or stab them that way. Of course, her weakness is any kind of light, and if you keep her moving, she can't use her ability.

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Username: Mituna, Tuna, whatever~
Name: Dante
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Fiery, very outgoing. Dante is definitely a lady's man, but he plays it low and smooth. He's extremely street smart, though, and has a good head on his shoulders
Appearance: Credit to artist, not me)
Ore Type: Can turn his body into a super light steel. In this form, he can move extremely fast, and is very hard to hurt. However, he has an Achilles heel, which happens to be the center of his chest, right where his heart is. It's just a glowing blue circle, basically a "hit me here!" sign. (Also, just about anywhere blue is where he can be potentially hurt)
Orientation: Supah Straight
Crush/lover: He'll find one soon~
History: He's a tough kid, grew up on his own in a big city. Think Aladin-style life. Never knew his parents, but when he heard about the school he knew he wanted to go there.
Pokemon: None (didn't ever feel the need to get one)
Other: He's hot shirtless~

Miss Opulum (Teacher)
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Username: Mituna/Tuna/Bob
Name: Miss Opulem
Age: 29
Gender: female
Personality: Strict, watchful. Doesn't mean she can't have fun, though. However, she very much a no-tolerance type. She'll wack you before you knew that you were caught. Expect flying objects too if she's too far away to get you with her pointer.
Appearance: Not my image
Ore Type: Can control technology with her mind. Computers seem to really like her, and can touch a wire to learn everything she wants to off a computer or system, even things that are locked with passwords or were supposedly deleted (only recently).
Orientation: Compsexual? o_O Likes computers more than people and would never hook up with anyone.
Crush/lover: Computers~ xD
History: Don't matter, likelyhood is her students will never know.
Pokemon: Shiny Magnezone, named System
Other: She teaches Magic Practice (even though it basically comes naturally to her...)

InfinityLove's Characters
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Username: (InfinityLove (Call me Yua =3)
Name: Tsukiakari (Tsuki for short)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Tsuki is sweet and calm, but slightly mysterious. She doesn't always answer questions given to her straight on. She doesn't really have a temper, and it takes a lot to get her angry, but get her going and it's like a disaster hit. She also tends to slap people if they're being rude, or said something that was completely stupid.
Ore Type: Has psychic abilities (ex. confuse you, make you believe things for a certain amount of time, like a psychic type pokemon)
Orientation: Straight
Crush/lover: Open
History: As a young girl she fell in love with the idea of telling people their fortunes, and at first her parents let her, thinking it was a child obsession that wasn't real and would pass with time. But they started to fear her when after about 5 years, she didn't stop trying, and her fortunes started to become right. During her younger school years she was considered a type of exotic beauty. People thought that she was beautiful, but they didn't dare approach her in fear of what would be said, because the people who didn't care about her looks, labeled her a freak. She never cared, just continued to tell fortunes in a small shope she'd made, and once she had enough money from reading fortunes, she moved out of her parents house and rented an appartment until coming to this school.
Pokemon: A female Wolf Cub named Akane, she's very small and lays on Tsuki's shoulder a lot
Other: Derrrrrp....

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Username: InfinityLove (Call me Yua =3)
Name: Inari
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: He comes off as cold, and half the time he is. He's not normally your best friend. But once you get to know him, giving him tons of food helps, he's your best friend, with a teasing personality. He'll protect those he trusts with his life, and assumes that they'd do the same for him. He's very loyal, and takes it hard when he's betrayed. If he's betrayed by someone he trusted especially, then he'll stop at nothing to know why, and possible hurt them back.

Ore Type: Controls fire
Orientation: Straight
Crush/lover: Open
History: Grew up fairly normal, but didn't have many friends because he came off fairly cold, and a fair amount of people were scared of his appetite. Because of that, he's never dated or anything. His parents were fairly distant as he grew up because of his appetite, and as he got older, he saw less and less of them because they were working more and more, and not just because of money problems.
Pokemon: A male Arcanine named Akamaru
Other: Has the appetite of a black hole, watch the kitchens.....He'll eat EVERYTHING

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Username: InfinityLove (Call me Yua =3)
Name: Hikaru
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Hikaru comes off slightly rude and snobbish, but only because he's quiet, and doesn't interact much with others. Because he grew up in a large house with only the staff to play with him, he came to be fairly reserved. He'd like friends his age, but he doesn't know how to get them. He hates trying to bribe people, or people who want to hang out with him because of his parents money. He thinks they're fake, and fairly stupid, and he normally has Rin zap them with a thunder.
Ore Type: Controls electricity
Orientation: Straight
Crush/lover: Open
History: He doesn't really know who his parents are because he stopped seeing them when he was around 6 years old. Since they were wealthy it was always the rude Nanny who took care of him. He wandered off a lot and tended to get lost. When he was 11 his parents fired the Nanny he had for almost 6 years, and started looking for a good school to send him to. Since he was 11 he was looked after by the household staff until his parents ripped him away from the people he knew and considered family.
Pokemon: A female shiny Luxray named Rin
Other: Derrrrp....

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Username: InfinityLove (Call me Yua =3)
Name: Kori
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Personality: Kori is a shy and happy girl, and tries to do her best at everything. She hates to be looked down upon because she's young and a female. She hates it when people say a female can't do soemthing, and will do anything to prove that a female can do it. She's embarresed easily, and tends to blush if she's uncomfortable or if the spotlight's on her and doesn't know what to say.
Appearance: She wears an ice and sky blue mini dress with no straps or sleeves
Ore Type: Controls ice
Orientation: Straight
Crush/lover: Open
History: She grew up in a small town, where men did all the work. Women were to stay at home, cook, clean, and take care of the children. Her who life whenever she went out to play, she would always be picked on, because she was a girl, and wasn't aloud to play any games with the boys, because they were all taught that females were made of glass and if you were too rough with one, then they'd break. The weather was always cold and snowy, so when she knew no one was watching her, she'd sneak out and go skiing or snowboarding till her hearts content. She can be a slight daredevil.
Pokemon: A female Glaceon named Safaia
Other: Derrrrrp......

SummerLight's Characters
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Username: Neo
Name: Tuxa *tu-Xa
Appearance: Credit to the artist
Ore Type:Hears bits of future and alternate timelines
Orientation: Straight
History: Found her Xatu perched on her windowledge
Pokemon: Xatu

DerpyHooves Character
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Username: DerpyHooves, you just can call me Derpy!
Name: Torunn Xackmias, you can call me Rune even in my name no e...
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: He is Friendly easy to talk to,he is kinda TO friendly until he friend with everyone...If you know who is him he exactly have a sad story where everyone ignore him you might see he is smiling but he is suffering... Yes even he is friendly he is kinda Emo .-.
Appearance: (Credit goes to it owner ^-^)

Ore Type:He can make something out of Shadow and will be Touchable
Orientation: Just a Male.... Male love Female there
Crush/lover: None....
History: He was the youngest in his family,due to he are the smallest his family ignore him and all his brother and sister got the most loves, he hates everyone who misunderstand him as someone who is weird but he ignore them because he know everyone need A LOT of chance....
Pokemon: (Hatching this pokemon for him sooo he have egg only =3 )

Other: Sorry if this bad my first time making a form out of ChickenSmoothie XC

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 17:54 (11 Years ago)
Can i join?
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 18:19 (11 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 23:46 (11 Years ago)
Username: Miner
Name: Harley
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Kind, but a little impatient
Appearance:Has a grey felt cap, and just looks poor
Ore Type:Fire, can transform into any fire pokemon (if possible/allowed)
Pokemon:Typhlosion, or Blaziken
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 23:49 (11 Years ago)
Take a look at the age limit (since this is suppose to be like kids type of school). You can have fire just give a bit more detail and you can pick either of the pokemon. And your not suppose to put your form here (Go over the rules)
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 01:33 (11 Years ago)
Once there are 5 or 6 character's I'll start the RP.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 01:42 (11 Years ago)
Ok, fair enough
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 04:23 (11 Years ago)
I'll begin tomorrow since we have plenty of character's and I've finally finished setting things up (Teachers). I need to sleep though so tomorrow.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 15:07 (11 Years ago)
((May it begin. I'll have the teacher come once a few people post.))

Akari happily walked down the hallway trying to find her class room. I'm so happy I got accepted! I heard very little people get accepted at this school. I wonder what my power is going to be. She looked over at her shoulder and saw a mew on her shoulder. "Dammit Sparkle, stop that. Don't confuse people on the first day," she said to sparkle annoyed. The mew transformed into a Zorua and snickered evilly. She rubbed up against the side of Akari's face lovingly and said "Zor-zorua." Akari laughed and said "I know it would be funny but, not on the first day okay."

She found the classroom and walked in. The teachers weren't here yet bu a few students were. Sparkle quickly changed into an Eevee without Akari noticing. Akari happily walked to the back of the classroom and chose a seat in the second to last row and waited for the teacher to come.

Lace was sitting in the forth row and to the side and was waiting for the teacher to come. Luna's was curled up on the desk sleeping peacefully. Lace twirled the ribbon on Luna's neck around her finger. I came to class way to early. I've been waiting for half an hour. Lace sighed and looked around and saw the absence of people within the radius of chairs around her and laughed a little. Just like always, I have my space bubble. Luna's the only one who'll stay near me. She petted her Espeon's head a little and scanned the room.
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 17:56 (11 Years ago)
Inari yawned, stretching as Akamaru followed him around. "Do you have any idea where we're supposed to go?" he asked. Akamaru let out a sigh before walking ahead of Inari, leading him to the classroom. Inari grinned, letting out a loud laugh. "Ha ha ha! Good boy!" he cheered, patting the Arcanine on the head happily.

Akamaru barked, nudging Inari inside the classroom, causing the male to stumble inside. "Hey!" he demanded, turning around. "What was that for?!" Akamaru ignored him as he walked inside as well. "Hey! Don't ignore me!" he cried, before realizing two others were already seated. He growled under his breath, taking a seat in the last row, closest to the door, while glaring at Akamru who laid down by his feet, acting like nothing happened. "Stupid Akamaru..." he muttered.

Tsuki yawned, stretching as she walked towards her classroom. Akane was resting sleepily on her shoulder like always. While many people preferred to have a Pokémon friend, she preferred to have a small Wolf Cub. She loved Akane, and Akane loved her. A lot of people were surprised when they saw her walking around with an actual Wolf Cub on her shoulder. She laughed lightly as walked inside the open door. There were 3 students already inside. Two female, one with what seemed to be an Eevee, but she didn't buy it, not since she could tell fortunes and what not. It always gave her an insight to things like that.

The other girl had an Espeon, and the boy had an Arcanine. Tsuki smirked. Well, at least she wouldn't be bored here. She was bound to have fun, and best part was, she wouldn't get shunned here! There were others here, just like her! And now, even if people tried to disrespect her, she had Akane to help her out. But then again, she never was afraid of putting people in their places. She smirked, heading towards a seat in the middle row.

Kori blushed, looking around, trying to figure out where to go. Of course on her first day she'd get lost! Her pale cheeks flushed darker, causing Safaia to look at her curiously. Kori sighed, clutching the hem of her dress. "Safaia, do you have any idea where to go? I don't see anyone to ask for directions...." she murmured. Safaia nodded, flicking her tail in the direction they were originally walking in. The Glaceon knew she'd better look over what Kori's papers had said. Otherwise the 12 year old girl would've gotten lost, and who knows what could've happened then.

Kori brightened as she followed Safaia down the hallway. "Thanks so much Safaia! I have no clue what I would've done without you!" she cheered, gratefully. Safaia let out a happy purr, as she rubbed her head against Kori's bare calf. The girl laughed. "That tickled Safaia!" she grinned as she entered the classroom with an open door. The bright smile on her face fell, as she flushed again, becoming nervous. She looked around, noticing three girls and one boy. She flushed darker, before running over to a seat by a window towards the front of the room. She was so small, if she didn't sit up front, then she wouldn't be able to see anything if people sat in front of her.

Hikaru groaned silently as he stretched his arms above his head, his shiny Luxray, Rin, walking right next to him. He sighed, one hand dropping back to hang at his side, the other dropped to rest on Rin's head, petting her happily. Rin purred, leaning her head into Hikaru's hand. The boy laughed as he walked into the classroom he needed to be in.

He and Rin stopped in the doorway, noticing three teenage girls, only a year or two older then him, and a small girl, younger then him. One had an Eevee, the other an Espeon, and one had a wolf cub. He raised an eyebrow at that one. "Huh..." he muttered, continuing his scan of the room. The younger girl had a Glaceon at her side, and it seemed that it was trying to cheer her up. He smirked watching the two before he looked at the boy. He sighed. Great, so far they were the only two guys here. The other boy seemed to be maybe a year older then him. He had an Arcanine with him, and it seemed that it was sleeping at his feet.

Hikaru sighed again. He hoped he at least didn't end up like he did at home. He'd hate to have no one to talk to. He looked down at Rin before heading towards a seat in the middle of the classroom, following the example of the girl with white hair and the wolf cub. He didn't feel like sitting here forever. He hoped the teacher or teachers got here soon.

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 232
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 19:30 (11 Years ago)
Tuxa yawned as she shuffled through the hallways with her Xatu trailing slightly behind and nudging her whenever she seemed to move in the wrong direction. They both walked into the classroom, Tuxa actually slightly more awake after walking into a wall. She looked at the other students for a minute before taking a seat in the third row by the windows, as Xatu perched on the windowsill. She rested her head on her arms and stared at the front of the classroom, spacing off as she waited for a teacher to speak over the mumbles and murmurs she already heard.

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 20:20 (11 Years ago)
Akari smiled as she saw other people come in. She saw a boy come and sit diagonal to her and he yelled at his Arcanine. "Hi, I'm Akari. Your Arcanine is really cool, he seems to love you a lot," she said remembering the pokemon tripping him. Sparkle nudged her a little but, she ignored her and waited for his response.

Lace got annoyed by how many people were showing up. Ugh, why are there so many people in this class. I don't want anyone coming into my space bubble. She looked at the seats around her and was happy no one took any seats too close to her. Luna lifted her head a little when each person entered the room.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 20:29 (11 Years ago)
(Umm..... I'm going to withdraw from this rp....)
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 20:33 (11 Years ago)
Inari looked up startled. At his jump, Akamaru lifted his head, watching the girl and Eevee. He let out a puff of air, and laid his head back down. Inari glared at him. "Stupid Akamaru..." he muttered before looking over at the girl. "Inari." he said, before nodding. "Akamaru's been with me since I was young, we're close." he said.

Tsuki watched the girl with the Eevee that wasn't an Eevee. She sighed, getting up and walked over, sitting in a seast in front of them. "Hi!" she said, happily. "I'm Tsukiakari. You can call me Tsuki though." she said pointed the wolf cub on her shoulder. "And this Akane." she smiled. She really wanted to know what type of pokemon this girl had for real, cause it wasn't an Eevee.

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 20:41 (11 Years ago)
((Okay Miner, I removed your info.))

Akari smiled at Inari and said "Nice to meet you. Sparkles been with me for a while too." She pointed at Sparkle but didn't look at her. A girl came up to her with beautiful white hair and a cute wolf cub. "Hi, I'm Akari. Akane is super cute. This is Sparkle," she said and looked at the Eevee on her shoulder. "Dammit Sparkle, what did I just tell you," she said annoyed. Sparkle changed back into a Zorua and snickered. "Oh what am I going to do with you," she said to Sparkle and turned back to Tsuki, "Sorry, Sparkle loves tricking people when I'm not looking. Could you tell?"
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 20:48 (11 Years ago)
Tsui smirked. "So a Zorua....I knew it wasn't an Eevee." she said. Akane barked at receiving a complement from Akari. Tsuki smiled and gave Akane a small pat on the head, causing the wolf to let out a rumbling growl that sounded like a purr. Tsuki laughed, before looking back at Akari. "Yeah, I knew right away. I used to tell fortunes before I came here, so it was pretty easy for me to tell it wasn't an Eevee." she stated.

Inari watched the interaction with bored eyes. 'Why am I surrounded by two girls?' he thought to himself. Akamaru gave his leg a small bite, causing him to yelp loudly. He glared down at Akamaru. "Dang it Akamaru!" he shouted. "Why do you keep biting me?!" he demanded. Akamaru looked at him with a bored expression, causing Inari to groan and slide down in his seat.

((Is Sparkle female? x3 I mean, I don't know. lol))

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:14 (11 Years ago)
Zoey hurried down the hallway, her hood pulled up over her head and her hands in her jacket pockets. Her Murkrow sat on her shoulder, looking warily around at passerby's. Checking her map one last time, she took the last turn and found the door to her class room. It was already pretty full, so she awkwardly pulled her hood a little lower and slid into the back row. The Murkrow gave an eerie caw as it tried to keep it's balance as she sat, puffing up and fluttering it's wings. Seeing others chatting, she slouched a bit, hoping no one would try to talk with her. She wanted to get here, get her power, and get through this school. There was nothing else here for her.

Dante strolled lazily through the halls, watching the pokemon and various pets go by. Every so often, he'd had the passing thought that maybe a pokemon would be helpful. Then again, a pokeball was so expensive to him, even if he had the money he'd use it for food. And stealing from a pokemart was nearly impossible.

Finding the door to his class, he stepped inside, yawning. Damn, every single person here had a pokemon or a pet. Sighing, he found a seat next to one of the guys, with a Luxray next to him. "Yo, this seat taken?" he asked casually as he walked up, his little backpack slung over one shoulder. "Nice pokemon, by the way."
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:22 (11 Years ago)
((Sparkle's female))

Akari looked excited at that comment and said "You have to give me my fortune sometime, I would love to hear it!" She looked over at Inari as he yelled at Akumaru for biting him. "It might be a love bite, I think he wants attention," she said to him. Sparkle jumped off of her shoulder to the desk and changed into and Arcanine and nipped her arm. "And now you want attention too," she said giggling a bit at Sparkle, "At least Illusion doesn't affect your weight or you might be to big for the desk. Now change back." Sparkle did and Akari picked her up to hold her. The headmaster finally came in and it was time for class. As she opened her briefcase a magical light show came pouring out as an ore shaped like a kitten came towards her. She put her finger out to touch it and a rush of energy filled her. She looked a little dizzy as she looked down at her zorua. Sparkle looked up and asked "Are you okay?"

Lace saw a purple design spread across and reached her. Something in the shape of a brain reached her. She grabbed it cautiously as power flew into her. suddenly she heard a voice. It was muffled but it sound cool and calm. It became easier to here and clearer until she heard what it was saying. "Hello, I am your ore. I am the mind reader and so are you," it said to her.

Miss Nolana came in and looked at all her students. No doubt these kids all have hidden potential. "Good morning kids and welcome to the Magic School. Today you will get your ores and your room assignments. Class will be short today so you will have time to explore more of the campus," she said to her students, "You will all be in the same classes for the whole year so get used to each other."

She pulled her briefcase onto the desk and opened it. A rush of energy poured out as glowing designs of different colors spread through the classroom to each student. A small object about the size of your palm came across each design and each had a different shape. "These are your ores. When you touch them they will speak to you and tell you there power. Most of you will barely be able to use it yet so don't push yourself."
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 232
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:56 (11 Years ago)
Both Tuxa and Xatu looked at the Ore floating towards Tuxa. Tuxa cautiously prodded the Ear shaped ore and nearly jumped as it said loud and clear that she could hear some of the future. Xatu and Tuxa looked at each other cautiously. her Xatu had already known what her power would be so no words where spent between the two. Tuxa pulled a small piece of paper out of her pocket and a pencil and scribbled what the shape had been, so she wouldn't forget. Xatu had been watching everyone else in the classroom as they came in, albeit eerily.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 21:58 (11 Years ago)
Zoey warily eyed the teacher as she walked in. Wait, she knew that face... This was the headmistress. At the announcement that they'd all be in class together for the entire school year, she sighed. That meant people might actually try to get to know her, or at worst she would have to get to know them. When the case opened, the energy that zoomed towards her was a pulsating black, never holding one shape. It floated just above her outstretched, cupped hands. Folding them together, she closed her eyes and listened to the Ore.

"I am your ore... Together, we can bend our shadow, and harm others through it's shape," it spoke in an echoing, hissing voice. When she opened her eyes again, she looked down at the shadow beside her. So, it would be that way, then. It suited her, a silent, nearly unnoticeable method of fighting. Looking around the room again, she pulled her hood down again. Murkrow fluffed itself, preening some feathers before going back to watching the class.

Dante watched the energies drift out of the bag, and suddenly something like a small metal dagger flew at his face. Putting his hands up defensively, it flew straight into his palm and disappeared. While his eyes stayed open, they didn't see the class room anymore.

Instead, is was dark, but something blue shined eerily in the darkness. It approached him, and he quickly saw it looked like a steel man. "We are now a fluid steel. Beware, your light is still vulnerable..." it told him, holding out it's hand as if looking to shake in partnership. The moment he took it, Dante found himself back in the class room.

"Damn, that was a trip!" he muttered. "I feel like that thing was talking in riddles, but it sounded pretty straight forward..." Looking down at his left palm, there was a blue gash that glowed dimly, right where the dagger had entered. Guess that came with the gig.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought