Hanamru sat in a rock, swinging a crystal pendulum from her finger.
Looking around, Hanamaru flicked the weapon high into the air
before catching it, placing it in her bag again.shuddering slightly
because she had given her coat away to Arius, she sighed, her brain
deciding to give her a slide show of her life, Again.
Corri noticed that the body language Chris was giving off was... of
pure inability. She stretched her hand and grasped the blonde's,
squeezing it a bit. She had her own PTSD.
"Hi! I think i saw you on the bus... Tori, right?" she pretended to
not know her so she didnt seem like that much of a creep, her face
reddened slightly
Corri sighed, hating seeing someone so pretty look so... helpless.
She rubbed circles on the girl's hand with her thumb, shivers
running down her spine.
"Oh please..." she replied, walking her way. Arius was shorter than
her, but she didnt care. "Shall we go find the others?" she asked,
holding out her hand
Dezel sat on the ground in a tiny clearing. Lost in thought, he
nearly missed it when a squirrel scampered over and sat on his lap,
mimicking him and looking ahead.
Hanamaru sighed, and started walking. She needed to find the