Maru smiled as she watched Rayne go. Munching on the root just as
Ricky came, Maru held up a hand, as a signal for him to wait until
she was finished chewing.
Ricky nodded once. Should he dare ask Anna what all she would, or
would he wait? There friendship (if any) was strained. Could he
risk straining it more?
"Hang on...." She said, ripping a section if her t shirt off to mop
up the blood pooring from Ricky's face. She then got a bandage and
wrapped it around his head. "There. Better now. "
Rayne finished making her traps she had stuffed it all in her
backpack and she looked at her map where she had previously seen
the monster so she started walking that way.
Ricky began reading. Command fourteen. This forces the ninja to
kidnap a politician and announce it to the world. They'll take the
ransom. Kill the politician, and flee.
"Hello. I'm Ivy! Ricky introduced me to the camp after I kinda
stole some stuff.... It's all returned though, so don't worry!"
'Geez, Ivy, way to introduce yourself...' She thought as she stuck
her hand out.
Rayne gladly took her hand, "Im Ray or Rayne the gadgeteer of this
group. My group are all gone so i decided to help this group." she
whispered "I also have a thing for Maru."
She looked to ricky.