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Gijinka High 3!

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Gijinka High 3!
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 20:12 (8 Years ago)
Bloom clutched her homemade slime in her hand. She hid it behind her back. "I'm sure..." She said, smirking.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 20:20 (8 Years ago)
"My name is Frost. Goodbye now." Frost said with a wave. She looked around and spotted a table with a lot of people at it and walked over to it.
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Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 23:25 (8 Years ago)
"What's so funny?" Alexandera asked, bewildered.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 23:51 (8 Years ago)
Bloom suddenly pulled the bag of slime she has ben holding and dumping it on Alexandera's head suddenly, before bolting away as fast as her yellow converses could take her. Bloom hoped that she wouldn't be caught. She was "The Queen of the Pranksters" after all.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 23:58 (8 Years ago)
Anzu was there to witness Bloom dump the slime on Alexandera's head. She smiled slightly to herself and stuck her foot out, attempting to trip Bloom. "That wasn't exactly nice." She said, smirking and showing her 'fangs' (which were just extra sharp teeth).
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:00 (8 Years ago)
Bloom tripped. "Nerd I ain't scared of you or your little baby teeth!" Bloom said, starting to dash away once more. She was only a little scared of the sharpness of the fangs. "Loooooser!" The other pranksters would call to Anzu, laughing. Bloom laughed as she dashed into her dorm.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:02 (8 Years ago)
Anzu just laughed. "Please. I could beat any one of you in a fight." She said, back turned. She flicked her ears and formed a ball of water which she tossed up and down before throwing it behind her, hitting a few of the people behind her out of her way. "And I'm not scared of your army either." She chuckled.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:05 (8 Years ago)
Bloom peeked out of her dorm. "Yeah, sure. Keep telling yourself that, Anzipoo. My mom owned this school and I can do just the same!" Bloom said, slamming her door. The other pranksters smirked as she ran back to their dorms, with a new target in mind.

Poppy noticed her sister being tripped by Anzu. "Hey, that's my sister!" Poppy said, running to catch up to Anzu.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 1,207
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:08 (8 Years ago)
Sam felt water hit her as she walked out of her dorm. She was mad as heck, but she saw how the pranksters and popular Gijinkas got hit also. She laughed as she walked over to the water type. She held Anzu's shirt as she smiled with delight. "Who are you...taking out the two most popular groups in school?" Sam asked with a tough tone. She smiled slightly at the other Gijinkas. She kicked Poppy away as she came with almost no effort.

(Lol at typo)
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:10 (8 Years ago)
Poppy was getting real angry now. "Get your foot out of my face, sweetarts!" Poppy said, pulling Sam away from Anzu.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:11 (8 Years ago)
Alexandera sighed, "Slime, how immature." Alexandera muttered, walking back to her dorm and falling asleep with the slime still all over her head.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:12 (8 Years ago)
Anzu shrugged. "My siblings don't know I exist." She replied, and then looked at Sam. "I'm Anzu. I was just transferred here." She said lightly.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:14 (8 Years ago)
Bloom smiled as she made one more comment to Alexandra. "Oh, tell Bane that Lilly doesn't love him anymore! He's just a sad sack of cloth to her now!" Bloom yelled, before chuckling and inviting some more pranksters in her door, before locking the door shut.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 1,207
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:14 (8 Years ago)
Sam laughed at the weak grass popular Gijinka before maintain her form in Anzu, tying Poppy to a chair with candy. Sam let go, from loosing some strength with tying Poppy down, but she made sure the Gijinkas didn't leave. "Well, welcome to h***!" Sam said, smiling profoundly.

Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:16 (8 Years ago)
Click my battle team! Please?

Get your own CrushTag!
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:17 (8 Years ago)
"Hm, certainly seems like that." Anzu laughed. She flicked her left ear as she heard Bloom's comment. "Yes, and I'm sure Bane doesn't think about Lilly much anymore." She called. "Most of the people who went here before my mom hated now!" She glanced at Poppy, then at Sam. "I didn't catch either of your names, what are they?"
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 1,207
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:20 (8 Years ago)
"I'm Sam, daughter of Pepper, the singer at the restaurant at the end of the street. We seem alike, we can hang out. I'm really picky anyways, and it is yes or no to hang out in my dorm, that was awesome how you drenched those two group leaders!" Sam said, with enthusiasm.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:21 (8 Years ago)
Poppy smiled as the principal stomped over to the two. "Sam! Let her go this instant or you will be back ion my office for the millionth time!" The principal demanded. "And you need to stop getting everyone wet, water is tracking all over the school!" The principal said, turning to Anzu.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 1,207
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:22 (8 Years ago)
"Haha, better escape now" Sam said, pulling Anzu down the hall into her artistic dorm. Nothing like how Sam would seem. She locked the door. She also left Poppy tied to the floor, just to see a reaction.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 00:23 (8 Years ago)
"Oh! I've seen her sing before! She's such a good singer!" Anzu exclaimed. "And sure, we can hang out!"
She turned to the principal and sweatdropped. "You don't even know my name, do you." She muttered. She allowed herself to be dragged along.