Forum Thread
Lost Island
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Lost IslandJesse jumped from the yell and from the punch. "Ouch! I didn't do anything!", Jesse complained. "Well, then who did?!", Akira replied. "Someone other than me did! Like, what about this guy right next to us? He could've done it.", Jesse complained. He hated that Akira blamed everything on him.
"Oh now you're just making someone up? That's nice of you.", Akira answered. She knew that Jesse lied alot to get out of trouble. She felt Jesse put her hands on her cheeks and her head turning to the side. Akira saw Adrien and realized what she had done to Jesse. "Oh. So you weren't lying. Sorry.", she apologized for she previously said and took Jesse's hands off her face.
Jesse sighed and turned over to Adrien. "Sorry for that and hello!", he said.
Luke looked at Flora. "I won't let them hurt you." He said it with a slightly less stern voice, seeming like he was getting used to Kona.
Luke looked confused.
Luke noticed Acelyn. "Interesting.."