"I do hope you like them." AZ said to the Gengar that seemed to
stare at the fake sky.
She laid down, but the illusion stayed. "They shall last the whole
night, if you wish. I will fade a bit, don't worry, I still haven't
recovered from summoning Oden, or as you know him, the black
raquaza you saw. It seems my powers haven't faded after death." She
said with a sigh.
"Do what you will with me, you can move me anywhere, but I hope you
know, I will faint for a short amount of time. The stars will cover
the sky for the night, they won't be there tomorrow. Please do
enjoy them now." She said, almost a whisper, as she drifted off to
a recovering slumber.
Name: Diana
Age (2-16): 13
Gender: Female
What kind of pokemon are you? (If you are a ghost pokemon, you must
be Void's minion.): Mimikyu
Looks? (Please try to include an image, Pal Pad me if you don't
know how!):
What was happening before you were kidnapped?: I was wandering
around my house making food
Did you read the rules? If so, what's the password?: COOKIEZZZZZ