Forum Thread
The Mafia Game [Game 2 – Sign up]
Forum-Index → Forum Games → The Mafia Game [Game 2 – Sign up]Game 2 has started
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1 • The PokèHeroes rules covers
most of the rules I would write. If you forgot what they are, you
can re-read
2 • You can't change character once the game has started, though you can change before that if you'd like to.
3 • You can't go around telling everyone whether or not you're a killer. This just makes the game boring and pointless. You also cannot ask the killer to PM you even after you are out of the current game.
4 • You can't argue or vote after you've been killed. There's always going to be players who are killed early on, but you're more than happy to watch and talk (as a ghost) to the other players, as well as to join in the next game!
5 • [Optional, not needed but appreciated.] If you have posted on a page already and have your signature on, for the second post(and the third, forth, etc) on that page, please hide your signature.
6 • No duplicate characters.
7 • This isn't an RPing thread, when posting your votes do not interact with other characters, unless it's a minor action. [Arguing/proving your innocence excluded]
8 • If you are angry/sad your character was killed, you can't argue and please don't cause a scene, it's all part of the game. You can always join next round.
9 • When voting someone, bold your vote.
If you've found a loophole or have a rule suggestion, please contact me.
If you are confused about a rule please ask me to clarify it.
Failure to follow the rules after a warning will result
in immediate ban from the current game, or more if I see fit.
Permanently if needed.
2 • You can't change character once the game has started, though you can change before that if you'd like to.
3 • You can't go around telling everyone whether or not you're a killer. This just makes the game boring and pointless. You also cannot ask the killer to PM you even after you are out of the current game.
4 • You can't argue or vote after you've been killed. There's always going to be players who are killed early on, but you're more than happy to watch and talk (as a ghost) to the other players, as well as to join in the next game!
5 • [Optional, not needed but appreciated.] If you have posted on a page already and have your signature on, for the second post(and the third, forth, etc) on that page, please hide your signature.
6 • No duplicate characters.
7 • This isn't an RPing thread, when posting your votes do not interact with other characters, unless it's a minor action. [Arguing/proving your innocence excluded]
8 • If you are angry/sad your character was killed, you can't argue and please don't cause a scene, it's all part of the game. You can always join next round.
9 • When voting someone, bold your vote.
If you've found a loophole or have a rule suggestion, please contact me.
If you are confused about a rule please ask me to clarify it.
What is a Mafia Game?
A mafia game ( alternatively 'werewolf' ) is a forum game in which one player out of a largeish group is designated the 'killer'. At the start of every round, the killer will choose who to kill and that player is then out of the game. However, nobody but the killer and the person in charge of the game knows who the killer is. Every time someone is killed, all the players have to take a vote on who they think the killer is. If they guess right, they win the game! If they guess wrong, another innocent player will be killed. The game goes on until one innocent is left, in which the Killer will win.
How do you play?
Sign up and I'll do (most of) the rest. All you need to do is create a character and subscribe to the thread, but please make sure you're active because we'll need as much participation as possible, especially if you get chosen as the killer. When the game starts, one random user will be PM'd to let them know that they're the killer. Then they get to choose someone to kill! Sadly, there's always one player who never even makes it past the first round, but small mafia games can end quite quickly, and I plan to keep making new games when the old ones finish. When there's been a murder, all the players have to have a public vote on who they think is the killer. The vote ends when all players have voted, but if they don't vote in a certain time period, the vote will close without them. The player with the most votes is then ousted/killed/etc. (depending on the story). If they were the killer, then the innocents win, and the next game begins. If they weren't, the remaining players have to go through another round.
The story of the games?
Each games with have a story with them so it makes the game more interesting! Each game will have a setting, plot and theme, follow them and we're all swell. When voting or the aftermath of a kill, you need to write an rp-esque response along with a vote. You can choose whether or not do you want to vote someone using the hints that will be written at the aftermath of a kill(no graphic details, of course) by the person in charge of the game or you can choose not to vote at all. Those that do not reply in a round after a certain time will most likely be killed in the next game.
A few notes + stuff + extra things
• A mayor/leader/etc can't be killed, they procede the votings but they can't vote. The killer will win if only the mayor and another character is alive.
• If you are being voted against when you've already posted, you can post again to justify yourself and reason with others. Remember to not raise suspicion to yourself!
• If you didn't post in a round, the next round the killed is able to kill you with another victim. This is called a double kill. This will get the killer a huge advantage, depending on the round. So if you want to quit or require more time, contact the host of the game. However, if the killer need only 2 more victims to win, you can't be double-killed.
A peaceful Pokèmon village. Surrounded by mountains, full of flora and faunas (or in this case Pokèmons), you can hear the water stream rush peacefully and the birds chirping! Everyone is the village know each other and will help other, everyone is kind and it's all sunshine and happiness, it's like paradise. Though, the peacefulness is about to be tainted. One of the villagers is now killing everyone! Now, now, who might that be? Can the killer be stopped by you? Or are you the killer themself? Only one way to find out. [ Filled Spots – 10 ]
Buildings • Huts made of woods. There's a stone building for ceremonies.
Surroundings • The village is in a forest, surrounded by trees.
××××××××××× There's fruit/berries and flowers blooming around.
××××××××××× A river down a dirt road, you can fish here.
××××××××××× A hill full of flowers near the river.
××××××××××× A farm, vegetables grow here.
Significance spot • Fountain in the center, votes will be held here.
Characters in the current round

Owner's username – Character's name
– Species – Status – Link to form
Musashi – Riko – Linoone – Alive [ Mayor ]
Professor_Mac – Percy – Cyndaquil – Dead – form
Littenisthebest – Gokul – Charizard – Alive – form
Ethos – Isaac – Gengar – Dead – form
Impure--Angel – Zain – Espurr – Dead – form
Shustard – Chris – Cacturne – Alive – form
Yellowbelt99 – Karen – Vaporeon – Dead – form
ImmatureGuy – Jason – Krookodile – Dead – form
Leicester – Chili – Zubat – Dead – form
-Oddy – Ethan – Jolteon/Houndoom – Alive – form
Alive – Mandy – Serperior – Alive – form
Musashi – Riko – Linoone – Alive [ Mayor ]
Professor_Mac – Percy – Cyndaquil – Dead – form
Littenisthebest – Gokul – Charizard – Alive – form
Ethos – Isaac – Gengar – Dead – form
Impure--Angel – Zain – Espurr – Dead – form
Shustard – Chris – Cacturne – Alive – form
Yellowbelt99 – Karen – Vaporeon – Dead – form
ImmatureGuy – Jason – Krookodile – Dead – form
Leicester – Chili – Zubat – Dead – form
-Oddy – Ethan – Jolteon/Houndoom – Alive – form
Alive – Mandy – Serperior – Alive – form
Form for entry [ Only Pokèmons for this round! ]
[b]Username –[/b]
[b]Name –[/b]
[b]Gender –[/b]
[b]Species –[/b] [ Reference if possible, even for normal Pokèmons. Please link. ]
[b]Significant features –[/b] [ Anything that is unique to them? ]
Delete everything in [ ][b]Name –[/b]
[b]Gender –[/b]
[b]Species –[/b] [ Reference if possible, even for normal Pokèmons. Please link. ]
[b]Significant features –[/b] [ Anything that is unique to them? ]
Logs of events
Round 1 —
– Karen was killed.
– Chili was voted as the killer and was executed, but she is an innocent.
Round 2 —
– Percy was killed.
– Zain was voted as the killer and was executed, but he is an innocent.
Round 3 —
– Riko started patrolling the town.
– Jason was killed.
– Chris was voted as the killer and was executed, but he is an innocent.
– Karen was killed.
– Chili was voted as the killer and was executed, but she is an innocent.
Round 2 —
– Percy was killed.
– Zain was voted as the killer and was executed, but he is an innocent.
Round 3 —
– Riko started patrolling the town.
– Jason was killed.
– Chris was voted as the killer and was executed, but he is an innocent.
Name –Gokul
Gender –Male
Species –Charizard
Significant features –A normal charizard but is not afraid of water
Name – Isaac
Gender – Male
Species – Gengar
Significant features – Just a normal one!
Name – Zain
Gender – Male
Species – Espurr
Significant features – Bandaged right eye
Would you mind if I ask a question? So the game is something similar to the Danganronpa system? One person dies each round, and we have to identify the killer. Except if we guess wrong only one person dies and not everyone but the killer?

Sort of. You catch the killer and the game ends, it won't continue on, a name game will start with different settings. Hints will be given out when someone is killed, they will be described word by words in the announcement and they might not even be obvious but if the killer is caught or the game ends the hints that was in the context will be told just incase anyone missed it.
Name – Jason
Gender – Male
Species – [ Reference if possible, even for normal Pokèmons. Please link. ] Krookodile
Significant features – [ Anything that is unique to them? ] Nope :>
Name – Chilli
Gender – Female
Species – Zubat
Significant features – no, just some regular cave herpes :^)
Name – Ethan
Gender – Male
Species – Jolteon-Houndoom Hybrid
Significant features – Well, it's a fusion of Jolteon and Houndoom it's in my avatar if you want a ref. I can only send about 4 more refs if you want more :>
If I can't by a hybrid (aka can't use my Pokesona) tell me so I can change my form~
Heck, it helps with your alibi.
Updated till this point!
The game will start 10:00 PM Australian time, Perth area (GMT +8).
Rougly 4 hours from now. The spots are still open till 10:00 PM of course but I'd like for it to start faster since I need to do something tomorrow ops.
May I join as well?
Username – Alive
Name – Mandy
Gender – Male
Species – Serperior
Significant features – Alternate colored. Look HERE. Almost always carrying a first aid kit.
The rain is pouring in the peaceful night, silencing the wildlife. Most villagers are in their home, doing things they usually do and sheltering from the rain under their cozy homes, but a water type head out into the night and went to the river for a swim. There, something happened.
The mayor, Riko, was strolling around six in the morning. Though, as he walk near the river bank, there was a red scarf stuck between two rocks. Not too far from the scarf is a washed up dead body, the owner of the red scarf. Riko quickly took the body and scarf, bringing it to the mainsquare.
He called the whole town and announced: Karen is dead.
[ Yellowbelt99 :
If you were to ever join next game, you will receive first round immunity. ]
Riko [Mayor]
"The real cause of death is unknown so far. I don't know who would do this and why did she go out in such a bad weather– it costed her life. Her body was washed up on the side. The river current was fast, I can imagine. The rain was quite harsh so even a water type could not survive long enough in the river." Riko looked at the lifeless body of Karen, looking for a possible cause of her death other than drowning. His eyes widen at a mark. "She was stabbed, shot or struck, with something. I can't make it out though, the water makes it hard to clearly see. Though, it proves one thing, it wasn't an accident." Riko pauses, looking at eyes of the Pokèmon around the fountain. "It was a murder." He half-whispered, looking away.
"…The killer is one of us, it could not be an outsider. I need you all to deduct and think about this. I need all of you to vote who do you think the killer is, and then whoever that is– I know a way to find out if they did it or not, but it will cost their life if they aren't the killer, so be careful."
Unless all characters have casted votes.
"What is that all about? What is happening?"
It smelled wet with the hinge of death's sweetness. Karen was dead? Chilli couldn't believe her ears. Hasn't she seen her just some days ago, healthy, happy and alive?
"This can't be. We're all peaceful here, aren't we? We just kill for food if necessary, aren't we??"
She gazed upon all the villagers that had gathered and sternly looked at Isaac.
"It was you, wasn't it? You're a creature of the shadows and couldn't hold in your lust for blood and murder..."
She looked at the mayor and repeated more angrily:
"I suspect Isaac of being the murderer!"