"Okay, now, we're going to the arena." Mr. Iro said, he led the
class to the arena, there was a pile of weapons. (All of which were
on the everyone's form, unless you did not say a weapon, like
Brendon's, Braeden's, and Erik's forms.) "Please pick your weapon,
unless you'd rather use yourself as a weapon."
Corrin nodded, smiling. "Yeah. You seem quite strong." She replied,
looking away as she spoke softly. She stood, getting a sword. It
looked like a shadow sword.
Yuro and Oishi were paired together.
Oishi gave Yuro her knife. "You use it." She said.
"It's yours." He argued.
"But I can do this." She levitated a quill, one she had in her
pocket. "I can levitate stuff."
"So, once everyone has their weapons, please divide into groups,
two people for each group, unless you're spectating, there is a
group of more than two for that." Mr. Iro said. "Remember, using
your magic is allowed."
"Spectators, there are small booths located in the arena next to
the sparring stations, choose what group you wish to spectate, we
will begin in one minute." Mr. Iro said.
Fluffy gripped the handle on his whip, "Ready? Fluffy asked."
"Yeah. I'll do that..." Corrin took a deep breath in, and sprinted
at the boy. Though it looked like she was going to stab him, she
slid between his legs and let out her wings, flying up behind him.
She stared down. Her shadow was on his. Good. She smiled. "Shadow
possession." She whispered, flying back down in front of him. Their
shadows seemed connected. That meant if he hurt her, he'd feel it
twice as painful.
"I'm intrigued. Fluffy stated." Fluffy said, he used his whip, and
began brutally whipping Corrin, then, feeling twice the pain, he
collasped. "Ow... I think this is your strategy, in that case,
how'd you like roasted wings?!? Fluffy yelled." He yelled, he
snapped his fingers, and a ball of fire flew at Corrin, then, once
again, feeling twice the pain, Fluffy cried and collasped again.
"Mercy... have mercy.... please... Fluffy begged..." he
Brendon fell down in pain, he spit on the ground, and created a
fist of water, he threw it at Erik.