Sam ran into the new school, stopping before the big doors. "Oh
my..." Sam said, running back, realizing she forgot to shape-shift
back to human from being a cheetah. She then walked slowly inside
the school like it was a crime scene.
Joseph hadn't seen anyone, he wondered where they all were, he
decided to just sit down against the wall in the corridor.
He took out a box of matches and struck one, he began waving his
hand over it watching as the flame moved in sync with his fingers.
Frosty noticed Sam nearby. She flew over to her, making a jiggling
sound with her wings. They always did that. Frosty flew a couple
feet back, forgetting about her cold aurora she carried. "Um,
hi..." Frosty said, trying to hide her face with her periwinkle,
short hair. When Frosty caught a glimpse of the inside, she flew
back the entrance. "Fire, fire, fire, fire.." Frosty whispered to
herself in fear.
Frost backed away. "Yeah, um, hi..?" Frosty said, backing away abit
further. Her cold aurora was inevitable. F She quietly waved to
that guy, who waved at her. "SO MANY PEOPLE!" she thought to
Joseph extinguished the match by pinching it, he let it drop to the
floor and stoop up.
"There'll probably be more people around the entrance, I need to
know where I've to head to", he thought.
Joseph walked swiftly down the corridor and began walking down the
Sam heard a noise, and turned into a small vase out of fear. She
always turned into a vase out of fear, she didn't know why. Then,
she got back to her regular form, and saw Frosty and Erik standing
a few feet away from her. "Oh my! Umm...hello?" Sam said to Frosty
and Erik, stepping closer. She covered herself in her cloak to stay
warm near Frosty.
Joseph reached the bottom of the stairs to the main lobby, he saw
everyone grouped together.
"Oh god, well, they're either nice or not", Joseph thought as he
approached them.
Frosty then saw the other guy, with the matches. "PUT THE MATCHES
AWAY!" she screamed to him. She was angered by people who just made
fire for fun, when it could be dangerous.
Sam saw another figure come close. out of fear again, she managed
to turn into a small brick. "Not really a big stone monster to
escape the school, but this will do!" Sam thought as she picked her
heavy self up, turning her back into a human. She waved at everyone
"How does she know I have matches", Joseph thought as he backed
He pretended to be intimated so as not to cause a
Joseph remained silent.
Frosty flew away, her wings jingling like crazy, and leaving a
trail of crystal's behind her. "Wow, are all of the people here
like this?!?" She thought to herself.
"Umm...hello?" Sam said, revealing herself a little more from her
cloak. She waved, and pushed brick rubble off of her. "I-I don't
know her!" Sam added, making her hand giant and grabbing Frosty,
keeping her still. She smiles awkwardly again.
" Sam, demon siren by day, Shapeshifting monster by night,
glad to meet you." Sam said trying to look cool enough. She used
her free hand to shake their hands, and she let go of Frosty soon
"Poo." Frosty thought to herself as she struggled out of Sam's
grip. Frosty wanted to leave, but knew she would have to talk to
them eventually, so she lowered back down. "Hi. My name is Lillian,
but my friends call me Frosty." She responded.