"Yeah. What Max and Riley said, good people shouldn't die, and now,
one of my speeches. It's gonna be hard, but we must continue! We
might not all survive, and fighting is not needed! Fighting is how
people wind up missing!" Dean said, "Okay, I've finished my
Riley hugged Chris, "There, there. If you need to cry I hgave a
shoulder. If you need to scream or rant I have ears. If you need to
hit something I'll take the blows. Let it all out. " Riley said.
Adrin had sat down between some people, listening. She didn't want
to share her talents, because she thought she had none. Scratch
that, she knew she had none. She clenched her fist, flinching.
She woke up, and upon realizing she slept in, she cursed under her
breath. Scrambling out of her bag and calmly walking out, she
yawned before asking "what happened?"
I never change this
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"Max, I was just being honest. We don't need fighting, and at least
one of us will most likely die." After he said that, he mumbled,
"Melina, hopefully."
Ricky went to woods and chopped down a tree.
Riley said they needed four trees.
He needed to knock down one bring it back and repeat until there
was four.
Or was it eight?
"Dean, in a horror movie, you'd die first." Melina told him.
"Hey, Dean, she may not be the nicest, but she's still my little
sister. I'd lose my temper if she died, and my temper's pretty
scary." Max warned Dean. Then he turned to Melina and told her,
"Not always, the mean girl doesn't always die first, but they die
in the bloodiest ways."
Melina winced and said, "Let's hope that doesn't happen."
Some people need a high five. In the face. With a chair. Made of
steel. Covered in acid. On fire. Three times.
matthew finished eating and decided to warm up the rest for his
alexandra reached into her tent and grabbed her backpack, pulling
out a couple book's before going over to a spot to sit and read by
She let out a pathetic whimper, trying her best not to cry. come
on Chris, stay strong.. Stay strong... You can do this...just...
Stay... Strong... she thought to herself
I never change this
click the image above to go to my toyhou.se
"Please Chris, don't bother crying. You're hurt because of
yourself. If you see something move in the woods, COMMON SENSE says
not to look for it. But you, you didn't listen to common sense, and
it nearly got you killed didn't it? How about you be a good girl
and stay put for once or we'll find you in pieces, and I might
actually feel bad about it." Melina told Christina harshly.
Some people need a high five. In the face. With a chair. Made of
steel. Covered in acid. On fire. Three times.
Dean nodded, "Ya know, in most video games I played, movies I've
watched, and books I've read, the mean one gets tortured for 12
unbelievably long hours, and nobody comes to save the mean one."
Dean said.
Dean walked over to Melina, he slapped her in the face as hard as
he could. "Don't make fun of Christina! You're just a b*tch who
can't do anything at all besides insult others!"