Forum Thread
The Everything Arts Club (Accepting!)
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → The Everything Arts Club (Accepting!)Link! Since ya asked for critiques, I will say that the white highlight scribbles on the hair are kinda conflicting with the smooth shading of the rest of the drawing for some reason? Might just be a personal thing.
Otherwise, it looks great~
Thank you so much! ^^
Do it
I love charcoal art <3
I really like staring at animated things xD
I would be interested to owo
I see, sorry haha
And that's really well done! Great job.
Although, someone already said this, but when you blink your eyes actually close from the top, and it looks a bit strange seeing one go from down to top.
i'll see if i can find everything XD
for my sanity, no clickable images
WARNING: some pieces have some slight blood n stuff
and demons. enjoy
EDIT: I'll try to give critiques tomorrow, or at least when I actually have time.
so I guess I'll show an edgy vent I made? don't ask, I don't want to tell most of it.
I've just been really down lately.
if you want you can critique, I'm not all that worried for this one.
i saw
but i'm not going to fix them, hahaha
too much effort
DA is being too much of a behind right now
We will miss you
I'm sorry about whatever is going on for you and making you so sad
Maybe it will get better and you will start drawing again
Your art is so amazing, it doesn't need to end
sorry if i haven't posted something in a while :'0
mmm.. amongus macaroni... hey guys? what's that? uh. guys? guys? you're gonna wanna see this....... [i proceed to get blown up]
avatar by tocartss @ twitter
Smaller canvases are easier for me to do pixel art on honestly
It makes it easier to see individual pixels
My avatar is 64x64
I'm curious how you make bigger ones xD