Aran looked up at Flare, and backed off, "Go away!" He yelled,
while trying not to inhale any smoke. He got down on his knees, he
got too much smoke, and fell down on the ground, knocked out.
Riley shifted and got up, chasing after Aqua. When she got to the
three, she covered her nose and mouth. She felt tears well in her
blue eyes, dripping down her pale cheeks. She stood by Aqua,
shivering lightly.
"W-where is everybody?!" Ebby said, getting out to look for family.
She was coughing smoke and she was covered in ashes, and bleeding
from tripping several times.
Flare took a deep breath and inhaled as much smoke as she could.
Most of the smoke was gone, and the rest dispersed into different
areas. She teetered dangerously and fell over, coughing up smoke.
Ebby found Flare, helpless and passed out. Ebby used the power she
had left in her to get the smoke from Flares lungs, then, she hoped
Flare would wake up before she would inhale any more smoke. Ebby
covered Flare with her body, and was hit with some rocks witch were
painful because she did not have any power to protect herself.
Flare coughed, opening her eyes and blinking. "Ebby?" She asked,
looking confused. Realization dawned on her, and she gently pushed
Ebby back, walking forward and holding her hands out. Fire
flickered in a circle around them, and a few rocks were burned
instantly upon touching it.
"Hehe, your....welcome....I used my last powers to save
you....your.....welcome..." Ebby barely said, while coughing out
more and more smoke. She tried to get up, then fell, giving her
another bleeding scrape.
"Ebby!" Aqua yelled, seeing her sister pass out. She found some
water and shoved it down her sister's throat then hung her upside
down from the feet in a tree. "That should work."
enough for EVERYONE IN THE FOREST to hear.
[I can actually make that much sound so you can hear it across the
neighborhood i live in.]
"No, I am not needed here without my powers, save everyone
else...please...." Ebby said before trying to get more smoke out of
her, but that only got her more smoke, then passing out.
Aran began dreaming. Aran was in a small cage, with rats that
bit his knees. It was painful, he looked up at a demon who had
trapped him. It slowly took Aran's leaf and ate it! Aran screamed,
trying to get out, but then there was this arcade button, and Aran
did a Falcon Kick, and ran up to the demon, and kicked it. Then
getting wings, and flying off into the sunset.