Forum Thread
The Furvilla Fanclub
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → The Furvilla Fanclub//But really you guys should edit stuff on it since you probably have more knowledge than I do
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
What is your username? viki123
What is your Furvilla username? viki123
Do you have any prefered nicknames/pronouns? Viki
What is your favorite "villager species" out of all? Wolf
Do you have a favorite villager of yours? If so, which? I have only one so...
Have anything else to say? Nop
I'm looking for three maybe four paintie commisions paying 150-200 FD per paintie I will use.
The characters and what's their base:
Has already a little bit of bio on her but totally need a paintie. She is 'based' on this image and I tried recreating her as dragon (don't mind the green feathers].
The base is a normal fox as you can see but will gladly accept painties with a 'fluffier' tail
Yepyep a Wicker. He's a little bit old in both ways - an old character I created for an RPG which I dropped and he's old by himself ... like ... 45? maybe ...
He's based on this image I found when looking for character-graphics for the game.
He's calm, sometimes wise and he's somewhat of a knight - brave, heroic, yaddayadda - the stereotypical knight you know.
Yepyep a Kirin but not the normal one you will found via google but with the same colors ... well flipped. Kirin-Image
My Kirin is mostly red with a few glimps of a light green (like the feathers in Rana's dragon-image) and he's not the typical dragon-horse. At first he was a big cat, then a fox, then the horse-thingy and now he can freely switch his beastical apparence XD
So no you don't have to stick with the hyena. I'm thinking about turning him into a sorcerer-cat or a Manokit or Dutch Angel Dragon ... maybe a Gembound? You can make something that fits him in your opinion but keep in mind that I only can switch to species with potions (the starting species - cat, wolf, fox, dragon, rabbit, horse - and the four special-species but please no Wicker)
He's the one whos constantly flirting with others, making fun of others and tries everything to be not in the focus of others.
Last one doesn't have an image or a fully written bio or anything like this.
The only thing I know clearly about him is the fact that he is Balfours nephew and is also a smaller and younger version of him. He's a protector and as chivalrously as his uncle. He also need(!) sweet stuff to get fully awake in the morning.
I'm thinking about buying him a Steampunk-costume so you can go ahead and make a paintie for this or keep him as a wolf. His colors would be like Balfour - red, brown with a few glimps of grey and black.