Forum Thread
Pokemon of the Night(Sign-Up)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Pokemon of the Night(Sign-Up)Name: Esti
Nickname: none
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Vulpix
Appearance(If nothing to add, leave blank): Pastel yellow swirls around her body. Her tails and head fur aren't as curly than normal, instead they're more wavy.
Personality: to be rp'd
History(Optional): to be rp'd
Other: if one of my characters were to be injected this would be the preferred one, lucia's half-sister
Name: Lucia
Nickname: Lucy
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Shinx
Appearance(If nothing to add, leave blank): Shiny-if-possible Shinx with green eyes instead of yellow. Orange stripes around her body.
Personality: to be rp'd
History(Optional): to be rp'd
Other: esti's half-sister
Nickname: Art, Artzy
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Fusion bewtween a Sylveon, Delphox and Serperior
Appearance(If nothing to add, leave blank):Open the spoiler that says Artye :'D
Personality: She's naturally double sided, meaning, even though she may seem one of those happy-go-lucky characters, she can change into a very mournful person.
hidden content
She was born as a regular Eevee, when
suddenly pokemon burst into her home and grabbed her. She didn't
try to resist because she thought they were nice people and wanted
a favour from her. She was wrong. She was then experimented on,
mixing the DNA of a Serperior and a Delphox. She then later evolved
into a Sylveon, from how getting back to her home made her feel
comfort and determination. However, with the three types on DNA in
her, she evolved into a fusion.
Lab Assistant or Scientist: Scientist.
If Lab Assistant, which scientist do you assist?: N/A
Other: She feels happy when injecting pokemon (no matter how messed up that sounds) because she likes thinking about how that Pokemon might be her friend.
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Cubone
Appearance(If nothing to add, leave blank): A normal cubone, except he doesn't have a skull/helmet, so he has a kangaskhan-like head. He also has a black windbreaker.
Personality: He's a timid 16 year-old who is a bit clumsy at times. he's a genius, and so he's smarter than all pokemon his age. However, he isn't very social and doesn't have many friends. Therefore, he has many opinions and ideas, but he doesn't voice them.
History(Optional): [maybe later...]
Lab Assistant or Scientist: Assistant
If Lab Assistant, which scientist do you assist?: Artye I guess :T
Other: *bleep!*
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Houndour
Appearance(If nothing to add, leave blank): A normal houndour except for amber coloured eyes
Personality: Untrustworthy too strangers but too trusting too those close too her. She appears sharp, strict and isolated, but the real her is kind, caring and lonely. She has lost all trust in others, so once an individual gets close too her she will cling on and become too trusting.
History(Optional): She was born in the pokemon wilderness, she is a bit more 'savage" than the city folk but she is learning their ways quickly. She has so far not had any experience with these "evil scientists" or humans. She is young but lost her mother and siblings at a very young age. She was fostered by a Ninetails (I may have a vulpix sibling if anyone wishes too be one?) who found her next too her dead mother and siblings. Luna cannot remember her birth family but loves her adoptive mother.
Other: My first post will be about how I leave the wilderness and join the city.
I dont know what bunnying or mary/stus etc... is?