Tiger was about to go to the cabin area when he heard a voice
through telepathy go rest once you feel up to it stop by my lab
and we can begin your special training. Also if you want feel free
to bring Victor. He has some power as well and I won't mind
training you both Agent Blue said to him telepathically. Tiger
nodded before walking to the cabin.
(I'm just gonna go ahead and guess that it's afternoon)
Amity had slept through the whole thing. Ribbons woke her and Mimi
up after noticing that they had slept for so long. Amity then
muttered to her Pokémon friends, "Sorry I'm late..." "Veveon...",
Ribbons sighed.
(It is and @picturespirit if you want to join feel free, but this
isn't a chat thread so you're technically spamming)
Tiger looked over to Amity before replying "you didn't miss much"
he said softly he looked at a small cut on his hand. Alakazam
must have hit a move on me he sighed.
Murkrow came back, but by the
time she did Yuna had already seen it was just the other campers,
and went back to her cabin with them.
She hadn't met Snow or Sky before, since it was only her and Sara
before, but from the looks of things it looked like they were due
for some corporal punishment.
Tiger climbed to his bunk as he did so he looked out the window and
noticed Sky and Snow were being talked to by the three consolers.
The boy then sat back in his bed and sighed he pulled out his
sketchpad once more and finished the sketch of Alakazam.
Amity brushed her hair and went outside to explore the surrounding
area. "Come on, Mimi, Ribbons,", she called to her Pokémon, "it's
time to go out!" "Meow!" "Sylveve!", the two excited Pokémon
exclaimed back. "Remember, not too far from the campsite."
Yuna decided to try communing to
Beldum again. She focused her thoughts towards it, and in a matter
of a couple minutes, she felt connected to Beldum and asked ("What
do you think's happening now?"). While she asked this, she also
wondered if she could do the same thing with Murkrow later down
when she got better with this.
("Danger... Everywhere.") Beldum simply told back half-scared.
("Stick close to the man who gave us this cabin - He seems to know
a lot more than he lets on.")
Yuna suddenly had an idea and
jumped up so fast she almost hit her head on the top bunk, was she
not short as she was.
"Let's go and see what the other cabins are like and who's in them!
No one's doing anything right now anyways, I'm sure they won't
mind!" Yuna said with excitement, waking Murkrow out of her
precious sleep.
Walking with lots of exciement in her, she quickly headed over to
the Lugia cabin to see who was there, if anyone. Beldum and Murkrow
had nothing better to do, so they came along as well, to make sure
things would be safe after Tiger was attacked by that
"Ah, hello! My name is Yuna! I'm
a part of the Mew cabin, and no one's really doing anything over
there so I came over here to meet more people!" Yuna was happy to
meet others so she could have a better time at camp. She then
notice the Cyndaquil going up to her.
"Oh so cute! I wanna pick it up but that's probably a bad idea." It
took all of her might to resist picking it up and hugging it. "Ah,
I forgot!" Yuna started moving her hand. "This is Murkrow on top of
my head, and that's Beldum down there!"
Cyndaquil looked at Tiger, and the boy nodded. "It's alright you
can pick him up. He's really friendly" the boy said kindly.
Cyndaquil smiled and nodded, and looked at the beldum and Murkrow
("nice to meet you two") the Pokemon said just as kindly as his
trainer. The Cyndaquil and trainer seemed like super close friends
Yanma then flew to Tiger and landed on his cap.
("And it is nice to meet you too,
although I really don't know where she gets her energy from")
Beldum said to Cyndaquil, but it didn't seem bothered to say that.
Murkrow simply looked down and smiled, knowing the inevitable fate
of Cyndaquil (Although that's just a joke she made in her
Yuna happily picked up Cyndaquil and gently looked over it. "So
cute~" Yuna exclaimed, not noticing that Yanma did to Tiger what
Murkrow always does to Yuna.
Cyndaquil looked at Yuna and smiled sweetly. Tiger then grab end
Yanma and held the Pokemon in his arms. "I've had Cyndaquil since I
was a child. He's my friend" Tiger said softly as the Yanma looked
at Tiger.
"Murkrow is the same for me. I
can't even remember when I first had her, I just remember she's
always been with me for my life so far" Yuna said with a big smile,
remembering lots of memories from the past. "Beldum is newer,
actually, my dad's friend hatched it and my dad gave it to me,
since he knew I needed a psychic pokemon, although I read that even
dark types could do too for special pokemon."
Yuna set Cyndaquil down and looked at the Yanma. "Ah haha, a
Yanma?" Yuna didn't want to show it but she was somewhat unsettled
at some bug pokemon. "I think it's nice that you've had a pokemon
that long like I have!" She tried sounding confident about
Tiger nodded, "Yanma is actually my newest Pokemon. We found him in
the forest after the camp bond fire" he said softly. The Yanma
nodded and looked around slightly. He then looked at Tiger who
thought, "ghosts and poison types count too, I mean Snow has a
Golbat and Lion has a Gengar" he said as he thought of all the
special Pokemon he seen today.