Amity watched the commotion silently. "That sure was an awkward
situation.", she murmured. "Meeeow.", Mimi yawned. Ribbons got
Amity's attention with, "Veveveon." "You're right, we should head
back as well...", Amity replied. The girl and her Pokémon friends
raced back to the campsite.
(Agent blue is assigning cabins to the campers. On the way back to
the kids cabin area Tiger saw a strange creature in the forest
while he was alone.)
Lion began to walk back into the cabin area. He looked over to
gengar who was giving Squirtle aa ride in his head. "We should be
there soon" the boy spoke softly.
"Right, we should go too and see
what cabin we get" Yuna said excitedly. Beldum was not willing to
move forward though - Something disturbed it's poor little mind,
"What's wrong Beldum? There's nothing to be scared of, this will be
a good experience for us" Murkrow flew to Beldum to encourage it to
come along.
Amity and her partners arrived at the camp a bit late. "Late as
usual...", she muttered. "Meowstiiic...", Mimi grumbled. Ribbons
remained quiet. Looks like it's time for Agent Blue to assign
the cabins again., Amity thought.
(Also is it alright that Mimi and Ribbons have names?)
Victor took the bunk which was below Tiger's. Froakie hopped onto
Victor's bed. The boy called out Flare, who had calmed down a bit,
and was his normal self again. Blaze jumped out from Victor's
Froakie hopped into the battle area and practiced Dark pulse moves,
and was learning night slash.
Agent Blue saw Lion enter the area as well as Amity. He then walked
over, "welcome back to camp Amity" he said kindly. "You will be in
the Lugia cabin this year" he continued kindly before turning to
Lion. "Hmm you're Tiger's friend right?" He asked slightly
interested. Lion nodded "yeah" he replied the consoler nodded
before replying "he's in the Lugia cabin, and we have you there as
well" he replied.
Tiger looked at a book while he sat on his bunk. He was trying to
resketch what he had seen in the forest.
Victor went to Froakie, and saw the dark pulse and night slash
moves. "You're pretty good at them, like a ninja..." He said.
Froakie stopped, and did a slight bow. "Thank you." He said.
Sara went over to Agent Blue and asked him politely about her
cabin. She had half a mind to transform into the consoler himself
but resisted her desires.
"Got that! See ya, Agent Blue!", Amity responded. She and her
Pokémon dashed to the Lugia cabin. The three stepped inside and
observed the surroundings. "It's great to be back.", Amity
whispered to herself. Smiling, she picked a bed near the other two
campers she had seen before. "Mimi and Ribbons love heights, so I
always choose the top bunk.", she stated to Tiger unexpectedly.
Cyndaquil looked over Tiger's shoulder at the sketch. "Doesn't
looked like any Pokemon I've seen before" he said softly. Tiger
nodded in agreement "wonder what if was" the boy replied to the
Pokemon softly. Yanma then examined the drawing and tried to
remember what it was.
Agent Blue looked over to Sara, and Yuna as she entered the cabin
area. "Hello Sara, Yuna you're two in the Mew cabin" he said softly
he felt awkward as if Sara was wanting to do something. He then
turned back to the paper he was working on. Snow, and Sky then ran
into camp. Snow had managed to befriend a Golbat while Sky managed
to get a Malimar.
Mimi caught Yanma in her peripheral vision. She turned to the
Bug-type Pokémon and made a low rumbling noise, then a hiss. "Mimi,
lighten up a bit.", Amity murmured. The Meowstic started to smile
as if the girl's request made her cheerful and bright again. Amity
grinned as well. Ribbons was already fast asleep and unaware of
what was going on.
Froakie decided to hop out of the battle room, and looked at the
consolers' special Pokemon, specially at the Greninja. Victor tried
to warn Froakie about the Greninja but it was too late...
Sara went into her cabin and took the topmost bunk. Her special
Pokemon umbreon went to her, and Sara tried to improve her
abilities. She transformed into umbreon, but the fur on her head,
which was supposed to be black, turned blonde, along with her ears.
Umbreon burst out laughing.
Yuna was happy to know she got
the Mew cabin, since Mew was one of her more favorite legendaries,
and walked over to it. When she got in, she saw what appeared to be
an Umbreon but something wasn't right - It had blonde hair and
emerald eyes.
"Uuhh..... Hi?" Yuna said trying not to stare too much at
Yuna gasped that the strange
Umbreon was in fact another camper
"Oh my...! That was amazong!!" Yuna exclaimed."I'm Yuna, and these
are my pokemon Murkrow and Beldum. Murkrow likes sitting on my
head, and I like her being there too!" She barely noticed the
Treecko that had popped out after introductions.
"Ahh, cute! Treecko was one of my favorite grass types, and all of
it's evolutionary lines... Is it okay if I take a closer look at
it?" She asked, with sparkles in her eyes as she eagerly wanted to
look at it more.
Sara looked at Yuna. It was not her nature to make friends, but she
could give it a try. "I'm Sara, this is treeko, and this is my
special Pokemon, Umbreon." Sara said.
"If Treecko likes, you can definitely see him." She said. Treecko
looked ready to show off. He was always ideal to handle when there
weren't any fire types on the scene.
Yanma blinked and tried to fly back to Tiger. The Pokemon wasn't a
fan of the cat like Pokemon. Tiger looked up from his sketch and
saw Amity. "Hello" he said softly from where he sat.
Excited by Sara's response, Yuna
eagerly looked at Treecko as it willingly posed in different angles
so Yuna would not have to touch it to get better looks. Beldum
floated over and looked at Treecko as well to see what was catching
Yuna's attention.
"It's a very proud one isn't it, hehe" Yuna said while giggling.
"Thank you Treecko" She said as she patted it's head and got up to
look around for a bunk to claim. "We'll claim a bottom bunk, this
one right over here" Yuna says as she points to one across the
cabin. "I would get a bunk bed on the top but I don't think Beldum
can reach up there yet and he's definitely too heavy for me to
carry up there"
She brought her things over and started unpacking a bunch of
personal things - A couple pictures, different clothing, the usual
things she always brought with her on trips outside home.
"Hey, Tiger.", Amity responded. "Sorry about Mimi's behavior, she
isn't fond of Bug-types. Looks like my special ability can be put
to good use after all.", she added. "Mememeow.", Mimi purred.
"It's fine" he said politely he then looked at the Yanma softly the
bug Pokemon was sitting on the post behind the boy. Why is that
cat so mean the Yanma asked Tiger telepathically. Tiger
shrugged and replied well not everyone likes bugs...maybe you
just need to help her see past your big type, and more to your
psychic type he replied through telepathy kindly to his