Lion nodded, "nice to meet you, I'm Lion and these are my Pokemon
Squirt, and Shadow" he said and nodded to his two Pokemon. The
Gengar then examined the new comer.
Victor looked at Cyndaquil. "I'll name you Blaze.." He said.
Cyndaquil nodded and looked happy. A girl which looked almost
identical to Victor appeared with an umbreon. She looked at Victor
in the eyes, and tranformed into him. She hadn't perfected
transformations, so her eyes remained the same emerald green as
"Am I you.." She asked as she annoyingly circled Victor, "...Or
you're me?"
Tiger looked at the girl, Yanma then examined her closely. "Well
the boy over here is the real child. You're just impersonating, and
possible annoying him" he said and flew around the girl.
Victor looked into Sara's eyes, and saw her real self. It was the
method which his parents used to check out for Sara. Sara turned
normal. "Did you even find a special Pokemon?" She asked.
Froakie threw some of his frubbles at Sara. Her umbreon defended
"You know that the Froakie isn't a psychic type?" She said,
and went away with her Treecko and Umbreon. Blaze went into the
Tiger nodded, his Cyndaquil was perched on his shoulder. He watched
as Blaze left, "anyways...umm" Tiger began he then heard a loud
speaker. "To all those who managed to get their special Pokemon
please feel free to head to the cabins. Your cabin name will be
given to you upon walking into the kids cabin area" Agent Blue said
over the PA system.
Victor waited for some time as Blaze gained the basics of the move
and walked back to Victor. Blaze and Froakie with Victor then
walked to the cabin area.
Tiger began to walk to the cabin area. He then heard some movement
behind him. The Yanma used a psychic to scan through the forest
silently. Hmm there's some strong presence here he warned
the boy telepathically.
Froakie then used his usual dark orb to try and look into the
future. He saw a normal Greninja battling a shiny one. He closed
the orb hurriedly, and pretended that nothing had happened.
Victor and Blaze reached the cabin area, with Froakie close behind.
Tiger continued through the forest as he did he heard the russling
coming closer. "Watch out" Yanma said in shock and pulled Tiger
back, as he did a shadowy figure ran past him and into the forest.
The Yanma then pushed Tiger to the cabin area. "Come on before it
comes back"'he said softly.
Tiger, and Yanma ran into the cabin area. The boy then looked
around hurriedly and saw Victor. He also saw the consolers chatting
with the other campers. Agent Blue then looked at Tiger and
narrowed his eyes as he recognized the look of shock on his face.
Froakie looked at Tiger. Something's up... He thought as he
tried to know what had happened with the boy, Sara appeared with
her Umbreon. Her eyes were glowing emerald, as always.
Agent blue walked over to Tiger and Victor. "You two will be in the
Lugia cabin" he said softly. He wanted to figure out what Tiger saw
in the forest but the Yanma was using a light psychic to try and
avoid any questions from the consoler.
Froakie felt the psychic energy, and looked at Yanma slightly.
"Okay... Yes sir." Victor said. He had put Blaze in his bag pack so
that he could save the Cyndaquil from coach Cacti, who looked like
a nasty bit of work. He thought that he'll tell Rivers about Blaze
later. Froakie tried to keep Victor's thoughts concealed with his
dark power, which was immune to psychic energy.
"Lion eh ..? Your squirtle looks
so cute :) " Yuna said, when she suddenly heard the PA system talk
about getting cabins after getting a special pokemon. She had
previously read that special pokemon can consist of dark, ghost,
Poison, or psychic types, so she wonder if Beldum would already
count as a special pokemon.
She was about to head off in the direction of the campsite cabins,
but almost ran into the gengar observing her and stepped back
instinctively. "Oh I'm sorry about that, I honestly didn't see you
at first ... I didn't mean that in a bad way"
Gengar nodded softly, and went back to Lion. "It's quite alright"
he said softly. Lion and his Pokemon then began to walk toward the
Agent blue nodded and walked away. He then looked over toward Tiger
once more before leaving. Hmm he seems to be a fast learner if
his Yanma managed to use a psychic at an early level he thought
to himself. Tiger overheard but didn't reply instead he headed
toward the cabin.
Tiger walked into the cabin, and claimed one of the top bunks.
Cyndaquil jumped up to the same bunk Tiger was in, and Yanma
perched onto the frame of the bed the boy then leaned back and
attempted to relax. The events of the forest replayed in his mind.