Forum Thread
Golden Game Chips
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Golden Game ChipsUmm... Why are you stalking my Signature?

My precious!
And since you just said you hardly click at all, let alone your own pokemon, I don't think you'd be doing that method to get ggc. You'd have a higher chance getting some as the system is now.
as for the idea, no support for the reason carpet stated - the current method encourages equal clicking for all pokemon, and if in the future the build-your-own-clicklist thing is implemented, it will prevent people from making clicklists made solely of legendaries and shinies
And since this site is heavily based on clicking if you start taking away the motivation of clicking (from ggc to PD to leveling up) then it kind of defeats the purpose. Not to sound like a bully or anything, it's just this idea wouldn't help the site or be productive for helpful for people who need pokemon who aren't legendary or shiny clicked.
Like I said, we're all friends, and we can disagree. But don't let that make you feel attacked.
As for the suggestion, I don't support either. GGC are supposed to be rare and hard to get, and getting them from every legendary interaction would just make it too easy as there are so many legendaries out there.
Or the odds of getting the prizes would have to lowered since people would spin more since they have ggc.
And our parties would probably be uneven too, my eggs probably wouldn't be clicked as often due to not being legendaries or shinies, and my party when not filled with eggs would just be shinies and legendaries so I know people will click them.
This could affect the whole site in a drastic way if you change the awards you get for clicking and singling out pokemon to give better rewards.