Forum Thread
Calis more or less chaotic Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → Calis more or less chaotic DiaryThings about me:
Name: Khalida

Age: 24
Birthday: 24.10.1991
Occupation: in jobtraining
Personality type: INFJ-T
Favorites <3:

Pokémon: Tune :V

Region: Hoenn
Drink: Fruit teas, Caramell cappuchino
Food: All kinds of sweets without nuts, "Kaiserschmarrn"
Game: Pokémon obviously, Harvest Moon games, Animal Crossing
Stone: Watermelon Tourmaline
In game stone:

Other stuff :D
You can visit my Animal Crossing: New Leaf city if you want to: 6E00-0011-1AEE
I have been running wild with flowers there xD
I am also playing the EU version of Story of Seasons and just reached the third year there. So if you are playing it too you can message me about stuff, maybe we can trade a few things :3
My friendsafari is

My friendcode is: 3952-8103-0909
Awesome slideshow with photos I made
Title: Shiny Hunting


Random and Beach Shinies

Random Retro Shinies

Title: PH Goals

Current Garden Level: 51
Berry Garden: Berries lvl 100:

Shiny Meloetta

Reaching at least 100 plushie with every plushie collection I have! No that is not totally over the top at all...

Missing breedable Legend(forms)

Regigigas, Cresselia, Darkrai: need black boxes for that...

Dschinns 0/6 (I hate the safari zone)
A new Event Distribution started and I really do love the design of the new egg.

I also started Tune and mine breeding thread up again, since I stopped hunting shinies for now.
Yesterday (friday) I finally got a ring that actually fits on one of my fingers and its awesome. I am really happy that I got it and it looks exactly as

You found 1x Mega Stone

I haven't won one from there for like....a year actually xD I am really happy that I just got another one <3
Going to megaevolve my Metagross :3

I was creative this week and did some kind of origami.
Here I have a pikachu box that I made for my sister:

And here I have some random things I made to decorate my sisters and mine room door with:

I think I am going to do more and show the pictures :3
Daigo my shiny Beldum that I got as a gift from Tune finally reached lvl 1000 on this sunday :3 its my first pokémon to reach lvl 1k!
Unrelated but I just unlocked Ice country in Story of Seasons and I am incredible happy about that xD
Litereally the first real thing that happend to me this week was this:

I also found an easter egg and at first I thought I was going crazy but then Liirah confirmed that this is indeed a thing.
I won a

I also managed to get the two shiny plushies that are obtainable right now <3 Can't wait for the other one in a few days.

The Emera Beach just opened today and I already got a really good catch :D

I also managed to get the last one of the shiny plushies that was an event at the end of this month :3

The berry garden is always blooming right now and thanks to my hard work I reach lvl 44 this week and also managed to reach lvl 100 with two berries :D

Tune and I are also finally done collecting

Lastly I started a new shiny hunt for a

Congratulations! A shiny Rhyhorn hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #68)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
Since it is female though she is going to find a nice new home over at Tune's as I promised her.

I am kinda suprised that I already got the retro since I just got the Super Rod yesterday :D But it seems that the beach is really nice to most users and I am really happy that I already got one <3

Congratulations! A shiny Rhyhorn hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #78)!
Done with this hunt. I didn't get the gender I wanted originally but I might go and hunt it again for the evos (one day I'll get a male one xD).

Congratulations! A shiny Roggenrola hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #62)!
The first purple pebble just hatched today (Tuesday) and I imidiately started the hunt up again.
If I keep going at that rate I need to hardcore click to get enough money for all these hunts lol.

Congratulations! A shiny Roggenrola hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #58)!
I am very happy that the second hunt went really really fast too x3 I know hope that the last hunt goes that well too and that I can have the whole family soon <3

Congratulations! You caught a shiny Gyrados! I am actually really happy about that shiny even though its a common one. I now have the whole karp family from the beach which is kinda really cool :D
I reached Gardenlevel 46 as of today (friday 24.06.16)
I finished leveling

After spending too much time on Bill´s Storge thingy and me breaking it down and then getting scolded for doing so, Bill noticed this

Time for some pictures!
Here I have some new pictures from my most recent trip to Regensburg where I saw the Body World Exhibition.
I have also been creative with Muffins lately and will make these for the children in the Kindergarten to say goodbye to them since it is the last time I will be there.
I tried to sew a Penguin.
We build Insect Homes in school :3
I started a Raffle for a Strange Ornament and a suprise for those that spread the hashtag that goes with it.
I am going to keep track of everyone here.
The winners of my Strange Ornament Raffle have been announced! Once again a big congratz to Ashlie for winning the

And also a big THANK YOU for sending nearly 300! plushies my way for the raffle, I would have never thought that you guys would send so many to try and win something :'D I am really happy that I added the hashtag prize too. I am going to try and send everyone that took part a plushie they collect or are missing back.

Congratulations! A shiny Roggenrola hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #112)!
With that I am done with this evolution line in all its shiny glory. I am really happy that the three hunts were quick ones and didn't feel like they dragged on forever. I got tons of eggs most days and it was fun to hatch them even if I didn't have much time with school and stuff going on.

You obtained a new badge (Shiny Chainer)!
Nothing much to say that wouldn't really be a spoiler apart from the name of the badge itself x'D

I managed to megaevolve one of my Mewtwos while the other is in the daycare with a Ditto waiting for an egg before its going to go mega too. Gonna have all of them once I get the egg x3
Late night edit: I got the egg

I managed to catch another shiny fish on the beach :3 Was totally unexpected since I am not using any kind of lures for fishing. I am just trying to get one of the new form change items form the waiter :'D
I reached Garden Level 47. Still trying to catch up to my Trainer Level.
With level 47 I unlocked Durin Lemonade

I also managed to get

I caught a second shiny today so I guess I am really lucky with fishing on sundays :D

This week I have been insanely lucky with catching shiny fish at the beach, I was really really happy about all of them x3 I still haven't gotten a Waiter's dress so far though :'D I hope I get one of these soon since they are more or less the reason I am catching fish to begin with at the moment.
Bees x3
On monday my class and I visited a beekeeper and he showed us how he works. I took a lot of pictures and it was really interesting. We also got to see how bees react to a new queen and how the others reacted when their queen was taken out of the hive :0 THAT was all really amazing. Nature sure knows how to boggle minds.

This week has been ridiculously lucky for me xD so many shiny fish :D
The Time Portal the prof has build didn't seem to function right, but I got an egg from it:

It also seems like Rowan is a huge cheater xD

Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #162)!
I did this hunt purely with eggs from the Tall Grass and the Lab :D It went really good and fast, I always had a few eggs in my party and it was one of my shortest hunts to date :3
Not much has happend in the last few weeks here. I am breeding for all Arceus forms and doing Tall Grass hunts. The current hunt is a shiny Ponyta.
I also managed to get one piece of each Waiter Dress.
I reached Garden level 48 and I finished leveling

(prettyfieying (totally a word) is going to happen later xD)

Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #230)!
Congratulations! A shiny Fletchling hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #94)!
Both hunts were Tall Grass only again. I got some more Arceus that hatched and gotten plates. Only a few are missing now and I think I am missing some of the plates and I need to get an overview on that soon.
Once again I was out hiking with my brother, sister and best friend. We started pretty early and eat breakfast together at the Plansee and then went on to Tyrol to go hiking. That really was an adventure, we had perfect weather, not one cloud the whole day. 30°C and plently of sunshine that burned my skin :'D
Here and here are some of the stunning pictures I took.

I won this cutie from Toothie. I never expected to win with just a few tickets that I got, but I am really super happy that I got her :3
I reached Garden Level 49!
Plates already on Arceus:

I managed to grab three of the last event and traded one for a diffrent OT so I have a pair ready for my Breeding Madness stuff that never really seems to get business anyway xD

Congratulations! A shiny Caterpie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #185)!
This is a gift my awesome friend MikaaXY gave to me and its sooo beautiful x3

Congratulations! You caught a Shiny Staryu!
I love this star so much <3

Congratulations! A shiny Cottonee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #107)!
Congratulations! A shiny Cottonee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #47)!
I am really happy that I randomly hatched this cutie since it has been quite some time since I hatched a random shiny retro from the concentration game :D

Gardener Level: 51