My idea is simple, we should have a trading market for the pokemon
and items we catch at the emera beach. It can be setup like the gem
exchange where a trainer will offer certain pokemon/items in
exchange for pokemon/items they want. The pokemon can only come
from the fish box you have in the emera beach so that you can still
be able to trade these pokemon to Leah. This will make getting
items from Leah easier and better for users who can't seem to find
the one pokemon they are looking for (for example me with shelder).
Its not quite the same because their idea involves trade points
whereas all you need for my idea is the right pokemon to trade
because its purely exchange between trainers rather than using
points. Points wouldn't work that well because besides for trading
what would the points be used for and how would someone obtain
points to start with? My idea is much more simple than that.