Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → CLOSEDWhat is the concrete meaning of this?
Anybody can request any number of bug pokémon they want to order. I will hatch the shiny version of this bug pokémon for you, for a fair price.Please note that I am currently shiny-hunting wurmple, so this hunt takes priority now.
Prices for each bug, according to rarity
( All prices are in pokédollar. )
- 75,000 for easy
- 100,000 for medium
- 120,000 for hard
- 150,000 for rare
( Payments in nuggets equivalent to the pokédollar prices shown above are also accepted. )
Rules for placing an order
1. Follow all pokéheroes rules. Do not be disrespectful.
2. No payments will be accepted in advance. Only when your ordered shiny pokémon hatched, a trade will be arranged.
3. The password is your favourite bug pokémon.
4. I request of everybody to make just one order with all the bug pokémon they want. It gets quite chaotic if you keep requesting one pokémon at the time.
5. To place an order, use the provided form.
6. Do not ask for any discounts.
7. All trades can be executed with trust or through the Trust Trade Thread by request.
8. When pokémon requires an everstone, please say so in the form.
9. More to be added when the situation asks for it.
Use this order form.
fill your username in here.[size=14]Requested pokémon +
How many of each bug pokémon do you want to order?[size=14]Wich pokémon need to be holding an
The everstones are free.[size=14]Payment method:[/size]
Pokédollar or nuggets?[size=14]Password:[/size]
If you don't know what to write here, you must've missed something
important.Current orders:
- 1x Yanma
- 1x Skorupi
- 1x Venipede
- 2x Pineco
- 2x Surskit
- 3x Venipede
- 2x Karrablast
- 2x Shelmet
- 1x Shuckle
- 1x Durant
- 1x Yanma --> everstone
- 1x Venonat
- 1x Ledyba
- 1x Wurmple
- 1x Surskit
- 2x Anorith
- 1x Combee
- 1x Joltik
- 2x Ledyba --> everstone
- 1x Sewaddle --> everstone
Completed and future hunts
1. Caterpie / Metapod / Butterfree --> easy || completed
2. Weedle / Kakuna / Beedrill --> easy || completed
3. Paras / Parasect --> Hard || completed
4. Venonat / Venemoth --> Hard || completed
5. Scyther / Scizor --> Medium || completed
6. Pinsir --> Hard || completed
7. Ledyba / Ledian --> Medium || planned
8. Spinarak / Ariados --> Medium || planned
9. Yanma / Yanmega --> Hard || planned
10. Pineco / Forretress --> Medium || planned
11. Shuckle --> Rare || planned
12. Heracross --> Hard || planned
13. Wurmple / Silcoon / Cascoon / Dustox / Beautifly --> Easy || current
14. Surskit / Masquerain --> Medium || planned
15. Nincada / Ninjask --> Hard || planned
16. Shedinja --> Rare || planned
17. Volbeat --> Medium || planned
18. Illumise --> Medium || planned
19. Anorith / Armaldo --> Special/Rare || planned
20. Kricketot / Kricketune --> Easy || planned
21. Burmy (plant) / Wormadam (plant) / Mothim --> Medium || planned
22. Burmy (sandy) / Wormadam (sandy) --> Medium || planned
23. Burmy (trash) / Wormadam (trash) --> Medium || planned
24. Combee / Vespiquen --> Special/Rare || planned
25. Skorupi --> Medium || planned
26. Sewaddle / Swadloon / Leavanny --> Easy || planned
27. Venipede / Whirlipede / Scolipede --> Medium || planned
28. Dwebble / Crustle --> Medium || planned
29. Karrablast --> Medium || planned
30. Joltik / Galvantula --> Medium || planned
31. Shelmet --> Medium || planned
32. Durant --> Hard || planned
33. Larvesta / Volcarona --> Rare || planned
34. Scatterbug / Spewpa / Vivillion --> Easy || planned
Requested pokémon + quantity:
1x Venipede (preferrably female, but I'm not too picky if only male are available ; v; )
Wich pokémon need to be holding an everstone?:
none ~
Payment method:
Scolipede, I suppose!