Forum Thread
Nocturnal Sprites [Sprite Shop]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Nocturnal Sprites [Sprite Shop]Aro: I made it myself (with a free to use stock image of a forest being the only thing I didn't do myself)
The sprite in it is

Scratched over sprite (using the official model as a base)


Hopefully these are what you wanted.


Steelix is only one color, which makes it hard to do the reversed thing with it >.< So I've jusst switched the eye color with the body color.

So, in my previous post I put in some missing Pokémon, however the cartons were mishandled in shipping so they looked kind of rough. It also looks like they printed the lost images on the wrong side. So I fired those lazy workers and hired some new delivery men to take better care of the product! The end results are lovely.
The battered order that will be scrapped!

Little Pints with lost Pokémon on them:

Large Half-gallons with missing Pokémon on them:

And, OH DEAR! Some trainers seem to have gone missing as well! (Sorry, but my providers say that trainers can't fit on the small pint containers. I say they're lazy, but I can't argue with them too much)

These took me a few hours to put together as they are completely scratched (except for the pokémon, obviously), so I would like to keep these as orders only in my shop.
The milk comes in a variety of flavors from the typical whole milk, chocolate milk, and strawberry milk to some strange ones such as mint milk, orange milk, blueberry milk, and just some plain weird designs. Just pick a color and it should be doable~ (Hexcodes are wonderful if you have a very specific color in mind!)
Sprite to use:

Sprite's background information:Raindow Colors
Carton Color:Pink
Pokémon: Salamence!
Special: Normal
Sprite to use:
Background: I'd say black-ish
HP bar Color: Light Blue


Username: Aisling
Pokémon: Chikorita

Tentacles: Yessss
Other: Could you make the tentacles come outta her neck thingies? .u. So like vine whip?
Shade!!! My Pokémon is lost (pint)! Help Find it!
Username: Aisling
Pokémon: Whimsicott
Sprite to use: (If we aren't using the PH site sprites)
Sprite's background information: (colors, patterns, anything you want behind the sprite)
Carton Color: Chocolate Milk!
Username: CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen.
Pokémon: Cyndaquil.
Tentacles: Yes
Other: Thankiess!
Username: noobly_face
Pokémon: gyarados
Tentacles: yesh
Other: It must be quite a challenge making all of these
Title: Order up!


The whimsicott is all "OOOH! Camera!" *shoves face in it* lol.


Some of these aren't that bad. The complex ones, like Gyarados's face, are quite a challenge, though. But it's fun to work on :3
Username: Aro_Volturi
Special: Shiny
Sprite to use: *blank*
Any alterations to the sprite: Can you somehow put a dagger in it's mouth?
Background: Black
HP bar Color: Red
Other?: Nope, just take your time. Wait there is something, can you put 'Mr. Gold' like the others?

[R.I.P J2 (Granny), aged 105]