Forum Thread
Nocturnal Sprites [Sprite Shop]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Nocturnal Sprites [Sprite Shop]Username: Lucariolite (Mega)
Pokémon: Lucario
Special: Normal
Sprite to use: PH version
Any alterations to the sprite: A silver pocket-watch with a silvery chain being held from it's hand, and can you make it say, ShadowRift?
Background: Blank, because it is not a Shiny
HP bar Color: Dark red
Other?:How about a 10K tip?
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and sacred.
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy Fatecaller#1127
Title: Order Up!


Charizard X colored blue hat~


Thank you for your PM~



Sorry about the delay on these orders! I will be delayed with any further orders for the rest of the week (probably) as well. This is because one thing led to another the past few days, and today I had work done on my teeth. When I'm sore, I have less patience to deal with all you kind people, and I don't want to throw out sprites that I work on. So until my jaw stops killing me I will be working slowly and sparingly on these.
When I am no longer hurting, I will do all the orders, including those which are sitting in the list for a little while now. I'm terribly sorry, again, and thank you for your patience with me!
~<3 Navuso


You don't seem to understand what that form is for. I prefer not to do vague re-colors, as you have only given me two colors to work with and not a pokémon to work with, despite the fact that the form you used is to take one pokemon and make it look like another.
Unless there's a pokemon named yellow that I don't know about (be it because it's in a different language or it's an individual from the anime)
This being said, I gave it a shot anyway:

If there are any orders like this one in the future, though, I will not accept them. It leaves far too much information blank.
Username: Aro_Volturi
Special: Shiny
Sprite to use: *Blank*
Any alterations to the sprite: May sound dumb, but can she have a green pendant around her neck?
Background: Green
HP bar Color: Gold
Other?: The name "Zelena" please. And take your time.

[R.I.P J2 (Granny), aged 105]
Title: Order up!

These were pmed to their orders, as I was so delayed with getting them done. Sorry about that!
This said, there's also something new added to the shop. I've seen "Slendermon" around the site for a while now, but I didn't know what they were until Aisling added them to her shop. Taking this idea but making it more like the actual Slenderman... Well, be sure to keep an eye on these guys.

Please note that if I can't get the tentacles to look good, I will remove them from the order. (If you want the tentacles, that is.)
Username: ~Eclipse~
Pokémon: Garchomp(If you can)
Tentacles: If you can ^^
Other: Can I order two? If not then ignore the second one.
Shade, Spruce up my pokémon's Box!
Username: ~Eclipse~
Pokémon: ~Quasar~
Special: Normal
Sprite to use: PH versions fine ^^
Any alterations to the sprite: Hmm... Im debating if I want my Garchomp mascot thing, or a regular... I dont really care XD
Background: Deep red with a slight yellow shadowing(Dont know how to put it :T)
HP bar Color: Red
Other?: Take your time ^^, and I'll tip you : P

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
» Flight Rising » toyhouse »
Title: Order Up!

That was hard, but I like how it came out~
I already did a Garchomp and Gabite XD I was doing it for the club, as well as a gible and the mega Garchomp (but I haven't gotten to those yet)

These are the ones I currently have done. I'll edit this post with Eclipse's box image and Lilwan's Slender Trainer.
Recolored as:Sableye
Other?:Can you have a Sableye recolored as a togekiss with it please