Forum Thread
Pokemon University! (Open, and Accepting!!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon University! (Open, and Accepting!!)so i thought that i'd bring it here, since you guys role play quite a bit (well, not nearly as much as i do.)
-no gijinkas
-nothing past girlfriend/boyfriends
-no goddmodding
-keep it PG
-legendaries are allowed
-no swearing
-go all out with your ideas!
-a moveset is NOT required, but you can have one if you want
-obviously, dont graduate right away
-2 pokemon (OF THE SAME GENDER) per dorm
-normal forum rules
-your pokemon's age needs to be 18+
-i recommend subscribing to this topic
Role sheet:
Job (optional):
Crush (optional):
Boyfriend/Girfriend (optional):
Fun Facts (optional):
My roles:
Name: Zero
Species: Manectric with Black fur instead of blue and silver fur instead of yellow. (i wonder what happened to his everstone....?)
Age: 19
Gender: male
Likes: spicy foods, MLG stuff, gaming, not being completely innocent
Dislikes: really well behaved kids, nerds, teachers (because whenever you're hanging out and throwing stuff at each other, they tell you to stop, or you're in big trouble the next day, just for throwing that bag of doritos......
Job (optional): x
Nature: Naughty
Personality: smug, outgoing, trouble maker, hates being innocent, athletic
Crush (optional): not now
Boyfriend/Girfriend (optional): x
Fun Facts (optional):
-he was faster than all of his friends since he was 5 years old.
-he has wanted to be a gangster since he was 7 years old, the year that he learned that MLG existed.
-his only sibling is Shrike, who is also a shiny manectric, but he's slightly younger. Shrike is also not nearly as ganster or outgoing as Zero.
-he has lots and lots of friends, but only a few go to this university.
-He's taller than all of his friends except Mark
-He is a troublemaker
Name: Mark
Species: Houndoom
Age: 19
Gender: male
Likes: gaming, gangster stuff, getting away with things that could get him arrested
Dislikes: kawaii stuff, behaving
Job (optional): x
Nature: Brave
Personality: intimidating, ruthless, clever, outgoing
Crush (optional): probably not.....,
Boyfriend/Girfriend (optional): x
Fun Facts (optional):
-he was one of zero's first friends.
-he's slightly older than Zero, but he's not one of zero's siblings.
-He's the tallest out of his friends
-He's the oldest out of his friends
-He's more of a gangster than any of his friends, even zero.
-Ever since the tragedy of his girlfriend, he has given up on love, and will remain single til he dies. (unless he knows a really cute pokemon.
-He got Houndoomite from his girlfriend, just a week before she died. He rarely mega evolves because it reminds him of her.
Name: Hope
Species: Furfrou
Age: almost 19
Gender: female
Likes: painting, sports, games like 20 questions which are verbal games, sweet and dry foods
Dislikes: fancy resteraunts, sour foods
Job (optional): soon to be either a hair stylist, cheerleader or painter
Nature: Mild
Personality: outgoing, friendly, easy to become friends with, athletic
Crush (optional): Mark
Boyfriend/Girfriend (optional): x
Fun Facts (optional):
-Her favorite trim is the star trim
-She is the 3rd tallest out of her friends
-She has a small crush on Mark
-She is an only child.
Name: Jeff
Species: Herdier
Age: 19
Gender: male
Likes: jokes, puns, sports, hanging out
Dislikes: ?
Job (optional): x
Nature: jolly
Personality: carefree, happy, outgoing
Crush (optional): not now
Boyfriend/Girfriend (optional): x
Fun Facts (optional):
-he isn't picky about food
-his friends don't know what he doesn't like
-its really hard to bring his day down
(more to come, maybe)
The roles:
Zero, Manectric, Male
Mark, Houndoom, Male
Hope, Furfrou, Female
Jeff, Herdier, Male

Name: bolt
Pokemon: Jolteon
Age: 18
Gender: male
Likes: cartoon network
Dislikes: people who don't accept opinions
Job (optional): n/a
Nature: brave
Personality: calm but WILL attack if provoked
Crush (optional): n/a
Boyfriend/Girlfriend (optional): n/a
Fun Facts (optional): n/a
Name: pancham
Pokemon: pancham (duh)
Age: 18
Gender: male
Likes: same as bolt
Dislikes: same as bolt
Job (optional): n/a
Nature: brave
Personality: can't fit in
Crush (optional): n/a
Boyfriend/Girlfriend (optional): n/a
Fun Facts (optional): n/a
they're in the same dorm
Pokemon: zorua
Age: 18
Gender: male
Likes: alone,dark place,moon
Dislikes: bright place, crowd
Job (optional): n/a
Nature: bold
Personality: calm,shy, does not talk too much
Crush (optional): n/a
Boyfriend/Girlfriend (optional): n/a
Fun Facts (optional): he can only talk to Lore because she can only understands her feeling but he does not like when Lore went near her friends and when his flame is brighter from his hair it means that he is feeling nervous
Name: Lore
Pokemon: milotic
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Likes: friends, water, people
Dislikes: mean people, violence, and hurtful language
Job (optional): n/a
Nature: Jolly
Personality: cheerful, smart, helpful
Crush (optional): n/a
Boyfriend/Girfriend (optional): n/a
Fun Facts (optional): because Luner can't really talk to anyone she help most people translate what he said
Pokemon: Cubone
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Likes: Video games, books, fantasy, folklore, caramel, math
Dislikes: Sports(or at least competing in them), being teased,
Job (optional): None
Nature: Timid
Personality: He's a timid, small pokemon that doesn't feel like he fits in due to the fact that he's super smart and does well in all of his classes. He has few friends and is lonely a lot f the time, so he is grateful for the few friends he does have.
Crush (optional): none
Boyfriend/Girfriend (optional): none
Fun Facts (optional): He's a genius and graduated high school at 15, so he cant relate to many people at the university. Also, he doesn't have a skull/helmet over his head, so be basically has a kangaskhan-like head

Pokemon: Banette
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Likes: pranks, casting curses, candy, and intelligent people. (See bulbapedia for the casting curses thingy)
Dislikes:dumb people, serious moments, when people read his diary, and failing.
Job (optional): none
Nature: Quirky
Personality: Shy, funny, and smart.
Crush (optional): Lore
Boyfriend/Girfriend (optional): none
Fun Facts (optional): He is extremely depressed, and pulls pranks to try and get rid of it. When his emotions slip, he goes into a rage and casts powerful curses. "Candy is the only sweet thing in my life!" He quotes on one page of his diary.
Pokemon: Meowstic
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Likes: Quiet, Small Spaces, Witty and Sarcastic People, Coffee, Sour Stuff.
Dislikes: A lot of people, sweets.
Job: She works part time at a cafe which serves Poke-puffs and coffee.
Nature: Sassy
Personality: She's very quiet, but when talked to, can come off as rude or sarcastic. Eliza is slightly foul-mouthed too. She quotes her personality like this, "It may seem like I hate you, but deep down I sort of like you, but deeper down I hate you even more."
Crush: No.
Boyfriend/Girfriend: Apparently you don't know the meaning of no. Such a shame, hah. We're already in University..
Fun Facts:
-Her close friend and probably only friend is Lucida.
-Lucida says Elizabeth used to be a bit nicer than she is now.
-She really likes coffee.
-Eliza often steals and gets away with it by using Charm.
Name: Lucida
Pokemon: Glaceon
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Likes: Music, Really Really Cold food, Spicy Food.
Dislikes: People saying she shouldn't like spicy food because she's an ice type, bossy people.
Job: None
Nature: Relaxed
Personality: She's very Chill about a lot of stuff, she really likes to relax and listen to music too.
Crush: Nope.
Boyfriend/Girfriend: Nope.
Fun Facts:
-Lucida is Eliza's very close friend since High School
-She really likes chips.
-Her favorite genres of music include Dubstep and Classical.
-She listens to the musical, Hamilton, a lot.