Name of Evolution Stone: Mega Stone
Number you want brewed: 1
Offer: 50k PD+Boiling pack
i know there is a chance to get black box instead of mega stone, in
this case what do i get? the black box or mega stone?
@zommerzombie61; 1, When you place a brew order at my shop, I
confirm or deny the order depending on whether it is filled out
correctly or not.
2, After I have confirmed the order, I ask you to send the gems and
payment required for the boiling.
2.1, In the case of gems you cannot send to me: I offer to provide
the missing gems myself, for an extra charge.
3, Once the boiling is complete, I will send your completed order
to you.
@KabamShazam, your total comes to 162,500, if I provide the Psychic
gems. You cannot cash in on my Christmas special if you cannot
provide a full boil-pack.
@Saturnman, you are not a first-time customer. You made a purchase
on August 16th. Therefore, you are uneligible for the
Christmas special. Your price would be 150k per Mega Stone brew.