Forum Thread
Argentis' Alchemic and Assorted Wares
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Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Argentis' Alchemic and Assorted Wares
Forum Posts: 49
Posted: Tue, 20/09/2016 20:48 (8 Years ago)
Name of Item: Boil Pack
Number of Items: 1
Payment offered: Paying in PD (285,000)
Name of Item: Moon Stone
Number of Items: 1
Payment offered: Paying in PD (1,750)
Name of Item: Dawn Stone
Number of Items: 1
Payment offered: Paying in PD (3,000)
My Store! I sell you what you need and buy from you
what I need!
Posted: Tue, 20/09/2016 20:52 (8 Years ago)
@Zetsuenko, your order is approved. Please send the pd within a
week, and you should find your purchases in your delibird shortly
Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 23/09/2016 22:28 (8 Years ago)
Name of Item: Shiny Stone
Number of Items: 1
Payment offered: 3k PD :~
Posted: Fri, 23/09/2016 22:48 (8 Years ago)
@ducdavis, your order is approved. Please send the pd within a
week, and you should find your purchases in your delibird shortly
Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 12:10 (8 Years ago)
Name of Evolution Stone:
Number you want brewed: 1
Offer: 50k (I have all the gems as well :>)
Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 19:30 (8 Years ago)
@Lizzanga, your order is approved. Please send the pd and boil-pack
within a week
Forum Posts: 217
Posted: Wed, 28/09/2016 05:21 (8 Years ago)
Name of Evolution Stone: Mega stone
Number you want brewed: 3
Offer: 225k + gems required (just like last time)
OFFLINETrainerlevel: 62
Forum Posts: 260
Posted: Wed, 28/09/2016 08:04 (8 Years ago)
Name of Evolution stone:Megastone
Number you want brewed:3
Offer:150k PD (I have required gems)
Posted: Wed, 28/09/2016 13:01 (8 Years ago)
@GetsugaTenshou, your order is approved. Please send the pd and
gems within a week~
@Professor_Nafis, your order is approved. Please send the pd and
boil-pack within a week
Forum Posts: 451
Posted: Thu, 29/09/2016 20:11 (8 Years ago)
Name of Evolution Stone: Boil Pack
Number you want brewed: 3
Offer: 150k - providing all gems
Posted: Thu, 29/09/2016 21:12 (8 Years ago)
@ArcanicRose, your order is approved. Please send the pd and
boil-packs within a week~ :3
Forum Posts: 294
Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 22:58 (8 Years ago)
Name of Evolution Stone: Mega Stone
Number you want brewed: 1
Offer: 50k (I have the full set of gems)
Posted: Sun, 02/10/2016 23:06 (8 Years ago)
@ShadeThePlushieUmbreon, your order is approved. Please send the pd
and boil-packs within a week.
Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 04/10/2016 07:05 (8 Years ago)
Name of Evolution Stone: Mega Stone
Number you want brewed: 2
Offer: 100K and I have the gems needed :)
Happy Training :)
Posted: Tue, 04/10/2016 12:59 (8 Years ago)
@Jedi_Rey619, your order is approved. Please send the pd and
boil-packs within a week~ :3
Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 05:38 (8 Years ago)
Name of Evolution Stone: Mega Stone
Number you want brewed: 3, please
Offer: 150k PD, all gems provided ~~~
Thank you for your last services!!! :D
Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 16:38 (8 Years ago)
@ducdavis, your order is approved. Please send the pd and
boil-packs within a week :3
OFFLINETrainerlevel: 43
Forum Posts: 57
Posted: Thu, 13/10/2016 00:42 (8 Years ago)
Name of Evolution Stone: Mega Stone
Number you want brewed:x1
Offer: 75,000 PD
Posted: Thu, 13/10/2016 01:04 (8 Years ago)
@DarkParkai, your order is approved. Please send the pd and
boil-pack within a week.
Posted: Wed, 19/10/2016 02:20 (8 Years ago)
Name of Evolution Stone: Mega stone
Number you want brewed: 30
Offer: 75k + gems required for each stone (Payment 1 at a time)