Forum Thread
Aroma Town [Open]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Aroma Town [Open]*Soul bites Blanc. Never touch me again, says so coldly on all of our minds* Sorry, but Soul have his own personality... *I laugh a little, while Soul adopts a defensive position* Calm down, my dear friend... *I caress a little my Umbreon* I think that I'm going to talk with Tales... He is talking with me on my mind, and she want me to go to her house...
Tales sat on her bed adding finishing touches to her Shiny Umbreon drawing.
Violet yawned. "I know what happened by there. You had a moment of guilt. Trust me. I felt it too"
Dash was going to bed. She licked Lou in the face to let her know, Lou nodded, sat up. Ordered some water, and walked from the Cafe. Dash felt good when they reached home, it was close to Tales home, it was number 15.
The first thing Lou did, was to make some cacao to Dash and her, Dash found the dog food, and began to eat. Lou saw over at her big Dashie, and wondered how she could freeze with all that fur? Lou walked around the house, finding her old flute. "Should we make a band?" Lou said and laughed. Dash nodded and woofed, Dash found a baby piano, Lou had teached her to somehow use it. But Dash always made some newbie melodys. "123 Go!" Lou said, and they began to play, it could have been heard in many houses..