*I sketch a sinister smile* Are you sure..? But... Soul and I don't
fight as usually... I also fight *My eyes glow a bit, filled of
shadow power* I like fights when I have to fight... *I look at
Tales* But she is right, is her book... *I return to the
(Eevee, come with us, is a party! xDD)
I single handedly beat team plasma and and all the gym leaders
elite four and the champion with Violet alone. He's lvl 100 and did
i mention that I almost killed a pokemon before and beat the while
Unova reigion. And that's not all.
"Well that is to say, I managed to beat the Hoenn league as well as
prevent team aqua & magma from causing the end of the world all
done with Blanc by my side. Even the dark type pokemon didn't stand
a chance against Blanc~"
"Look. I promised myself that I'd never battle again. the book is
the story of my adventures. But only that. I'm not going to take
the risk of killing a pokemon over a book. Just give it to me and
I'll leave." She says angrily. The battle spirit disappears. And
her eyes stop flowing red.
*sighs* "aw I was looking forward to the battle, well its your
call." *Blanc's shimmer begins to die down*
"But don't underestimate Blanc or me, we wouldn't even come close
to dying!" *the red tips in Oraco's hair glows for a second*
"Thanks. Since I all ready basically told you what happened. Dark.
I-Im sorry for all this nonsense. The battle part of me isn't me
anymore. But if you ever want to read it, just stop bye."
She sighs and Violet sits by her side. And she walks home.
I've already read it... Or to say exactly the truth, my shadows
have do it for me... *Looks at Tales while she is leaving, and
then, looks at Oraco* Hm? Oh, I ate it, is so yummy *I smile*
*Glances over to Dark* "Hey Dark, im on the way to Poketopia to try
and become the new Colosseum Master of the Courtyard Colosseum or
the Sunset Colosseum, and I have 2 extra tickets! Wanna come with?
We should bring Tales as well~" *Blanc seems to be excited*
*I sigh a little* If is only to see the battles, is ok, I never
fight in battles like that, I love the private ones where I can
also fight... And... I think that Tales don't want to come with us
*I look at Soul* And Soul thinks that isn't funny
*giggles* " I think Tales is just flustered, she really cares about
her adventure log. You don't have to battle, if you want you can
watch me and Blanc dominate the competition! I think Tales might
find it interesting, besides how often do you guys go on vacation~"
*Blanc nudges Soul a little*