Forum Thread
~Making of Clans~
Forum-Index → Roleplay → ~Making of Clans~A lot of cats complained about hurting or even bleeding paws, but after some time, everyone seemed satisfied.
The big she-cat sat down with a sigh, looking down at the camp and the chatting cats. "I guess, this is better than expected...", she murmured with a mused expression.
Startled, she looked at the young cat.
"Sheesh, Kit, never jump at a thinking cat!", she purred amused, pawing at the small rascal.
"Well... I want to scout this area a bit more, if White Rose is ok with it, you may join me.", she offered.
While she streched herself, she saw the spotted tribemate staring over to them.
"Hey, you want to come along too?", the striped cat asked Leopard, interpreting his stare as a result of boredom.
White Rose found a small spot to to lay down in, she watched small water drips go into a small pool, "White Rose?" Meowed Silver, "Hi, Silver" White Rose meowed raising her head to the visitor. "White Rose, I have something to tell you. The Traveling Group Will Split Into Four Major Groups, That Will Last A Long Time." Silver said. She walked around before sitting down in front of her.
White Rose looked at Silver, "We split up?" she said unsure, Silver nodded, "And a get danger will rise against you." Silver meowed.