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WHaS Rp Sign Up Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → WHaS Rp Sign Up Thread[RULES]

-Use this to make an appearance for your character
-Emy & Monochrome are mods
-Only 2 Characters Per Person
-Killing is allowed with character's owner's permission
-No Pupeteering
-No self romance
-No opness/mary sues
-Have fun :0

Angel, Spirit, or Demon?:
Station: (Student, Guard, Teacher, Exorcist, Hunter, Reaper)

Angels-Exorcist, Hunters, Teachers, or Students
Spirits-Students, Teachers, or Exorcist
Demons-Students, Guards, Exorcist, Hunters, Reapers
Student-Student at the academy, learning to graduate into one of the major classes.
Guard-Usually a demon enslaved or under a contract that protects a certain station
Teacher-This kind of speaks for itself, but someone who teaches the students about their respective class
Exorcist-Cleans damaged spirits and gather wandering souls, leading them to the academy, occasionally do missions to the middle realm of the living and on rare occasions to the under realm to bind demons into contracts or to capture them for practice
Hunters-Fairly similar to exorcists, both gather wandering spirits but the hunters go out of their way to capture demons for contracts/exorcism
Reaper-They're in charge of reaping the souls from humans, aren't allowed to touch the soul though so the Exorcists and Hunters have to go find it

Name: Rose Thorn
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Angel, Spirit, or Demon?: She-Devil
Station: Bridge Guard
Personality: Huge grump, would rather be eating souls than guarding the bridge, but her current contract makes it very clear that she has to stay at the bridge and keep out the demons looking for easy meals.
Name: Amanda Blue (Prefers to be called blue)
Age: that's confidential.
Gender: Female
Angel, Spirit, or Demon?: Angel
Appearance: x
Station: Head of the Academy (Teacher/Exorcist)
Personality: Almost always out doing something and very interactive with the students. No one is really sure of her age, but she acts like a teenager most of the time.
Other: Angelina Red's cousin, but they fight a lot :0
Age: Shuush
Gender: Female
Angel, Spirit, or Demon?: Demon
Appearance: Here
Station: Reaper
Personality: Shes usually doesn't talk much or open up to anybody. She used to be very open but when she turned into the demon/reaper class she changed.
Other: Shes has a lil robot pup pup which a friend gave her and her sense of touch is gone for unknown reasons.
Age: ?
Gender: Female
Angel, Spirit, or Demon?: Angel
Appearance: X
Station: Student
Personality: She's kind of shy and reserved, though morally she's kind to all. She is very smart, and very adorable to most.
Other: Might make another character later.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Age: 16
Angel, Spirit, or Demon?: demon
Station: (Student, Guard, Teacher, Exorcist, Hunter, Reaper) reaper
Personality: mean but can be nice
Other: she was an aggel but she fell out of heaven into hell becoming a demon
Age: ?
Gender: Female
Angel, Spirit, or Demon?: Angel
Appearance: Here Or here
Station: Student
Personality: She is really friendly and silly. Kinda naive and easy to manipulate, but other than that, she is pretty basic
Pssst her height is 5'8"

Don't starve >:3

Age: ~
Gender: Male
Angel, Spirit, or Demon?: Spirit
Appearance: x
Station: Exorcist
Personality: Elliot appears to be rather cold and distant, but he honestly doesn't want to hurt anyone after finding out that he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He's quite the gentle introvert and can get flustered easily. Despite so, he can instantly snap into a animalistic rage or completely shutting down for as long as a month.
Name: Mallory Silsuna
Age: ~
Gender: Female
Angel, Spirit, or Demon?: Angel
Appearance: x
Station: Hunter
Personality: Under her innocent looks, she's actually quite mischievous. Mal is nonchalant and quite rude towards others. Despite so, she'll quickly open up to you and practically shower you with love and attention.
Name: Raelino "Rae"
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Angel, Spirit, or Demon?: Demon
Appearance: Here ya go You can also check here
Station: Student
Personality: He is pretty much a quiet and serious dude, it's not that he has a problem, he just wants to be succesful. If you manage to meet him well, he is pretty much friendly and high-tempered person / can't get angry easily
Psst his height is 5'7"

Don't starve >:3

Age: ???
Gender: Male
Angel, Spirit, or Demon?: Demon
Appearance: x
Station: Reaper
Personality: Videl hardly ever talks to anyone and lacks social skills. He loves spicy food, music, and weapons. Since he has been picked on about his height, he dislikes anyone taller then him. Videl doesn't like small spaces either and will slowly start to panic if he is locked inside a room, if you try to talk to him, he has a habit of not looking another person in the eyes and often gives others bad or incorrect first impressions. If you get to know him well enough he's a sweet and caring person despite his bad boy facade.
Other: Videl's height is 5'1"