Forum Thread
Completing Hoenn pokedex (Work in Progress)
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Global Trade Station → Completing Hoenn pokedex (Work in Progress)
Forum Posts: 278
Posted: Mon, 07/03/2016 15:53 (9 Years ago)
sucessfully completed on 14. March 2016.
Forum Posts: 159
Posted: Mon, 07/03/2016 16:50 (9 Years ago)
I have some Castform if you still need them...
Forum Posts: 278
Posted: Mon, 07/03/2016 16:59 (9 Years ago)
Which ones do you have? :)
Forum Posts: 217
Posted: Mon, 07/03/2016 17:04 (9 Years ago)
i've quite a few of those
Name: Sentinel
Adopt one yourself! @[url=]Pok
Forum Posts: 720
Posted: Mon, 07/03/2016 17:32 (9 Years ago)
And I have 16 weather balloons to evolve them if you want, just
name your price~
Forum Posts: 787
Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 12:40 (9 Years ago)
I set up a Castform, Gusty Castform, Regirock, Wailmer, Grovyle and
Dustox! I'll try to get you some Weather Balloons.
Forum Posts: 278
Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 12:42 (9 Years ago)
I already got a Wailmer, Grovyle and Dustox.
As for the rest, I'd gladly take them :)
Forum Posts: 189
Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 15:59 (9 Years ago)
YOu can take anything you like
from here.
OFFLINETrainerlevel: 57
Forum Posts: 321
Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 16:00 (9 Years ago)
Phyrnn =w=
I saw you are searching some Pokemon.
I still have a lot i dont need.
Right now, i could give you:
:3 If you ever need something, just take a look in my trade-box I
and II. They are free - otherwhise i will release them some day.

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3
(c) by Pein
Forum Posts: 278
Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 16:04 (9 Years ago)
OFFLINETrainerlevel: 57
Forum Posts: 321
Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 16:10 (9 Years ago)
Your Pokemon are in the GTS - you just have to pick them. :D

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3
(c) by Pein
Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 16:12 (9 Years ago)
Beldum I can give u ..
I was having many others but Anzu already gave them..
Beldum is in GTS bts
Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 17:03 (8 Years ago)
Good job :D by changing the url :3
Lol is this called a signature!! xD
Please train this Pikachu

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