Forum Thread
Pokémon: Gather the Stones
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokémon: Gather the Stones|Gather the Stones|
Well then. Seems like you are here for a Pokémon rp, huh? Well. Here is the plot:
It has been years. All the trainers have vanished, Pokémon abandoned. But there is one trainer left. Red. He has trained, and become the very best there ever was. But he had been this for too long. The Pokémon realised he needed to leave for the best, but he was there to equalise the balance. They drove him out but the balance was destroying the world, humans and Pokémon were now uneven, so Arceus created several Runestones. Each with a property, location and meaning. They protected several elements: Rebellion ; Time and Space ; Positivity ; Ideals and Truth ; Terrains ; Elements ; Artificiality ; Life and Death. But some Pokémon want The Runestones, to steal their power and become the ultimate pokemon, to destroy Arceus and become the most powerful being. Will you stop them?

-No Mary Sues/Marty Stues/OP
-You can be many characters as you can handle
-Remember, this is way in the future so your appearance can be different
-No Fakemon
-Fake megas are allowed, but you need permission
-In the Banana section, write: Boonana
-No Legendary or Shiniesss
Rules will be updated
Warnings & Bans:
Other info:

RP name:
My form:

I have not made my form yet, but please make yours!
Username: P_K
RP name: Stark
Pokémon: Starly
Gender: Male
Appearance: Rough and has many messed up feathers.
History: Tryed to escape from a dark mysterious Pokemon, and he cursed him.
Good/Evil: Good
Other: Nope.
Username: P_K
RP name: Smoke
Pokémon: Mandibuzz
Gender: Female
Appearance: Utterly the same, but looks more worn down and scarred.
History: One of thirteen eggs, and was the youngest. She was also the only female, getting mocked by her brothers, but one day, she came back and fainted them all, to show them who's boss. They all followed her and are her minions. (I control them all :'D)
Good/Evil: Evil
Other: Nope
Hey! Go make your form!

Name: Scarlet / Swift
Gender: Female (Female eevee, cliche I know.) / Female
Pokemon: Eevee / Purrloin
Appearance: Smaller than most eevees, and has three small bangs. / A normal purrloin
Good/Evil: Good / Good, but she sometimes seems suspicious, making others think she may be bad, but she is good.
Other: Planning to evolve her into flareon.

Username: teius
RP name: Casty
Pokémon: Castform
Gender: Male
History: He was forced to change forms when he was on a Weather Thingy, until one day he snaped out of it. He ran away from it, never to be seen again. Now that the Runestones appeared, he wan't to protect them.
Good/Evil: Good duh
Banana: Boonana
Other: Can he turn into PH Forms too? owo
RP name: Casty
Pokémon: Castform
Gender: Male

History: He was forced to change forms when he was on a Weather Thingy, until one day he snaped out of it. He ran away from it, never to be seen again. Now that the Runestones appeared, he wan't to protect them.
Good/Evil: Good duh
Banana: Boonana
Other: Can he turn into PH Forms too? owo

Username: teius
RP name: Det
Pokémon: Ditto
Gender: Genderless
History: WIP
Good/Evil: Gud
Banana: Boonana
RP name: Det
Pokémon: Ditto
Gender: Genderless

History: WIP
Good/Evil: Gud
Banana: Boonana

Username: teius
RP name: Miss
Pokémon: Misdreavus
Gender: female
History: WIP
Good/Evil: evillll
Banana: Boonana
RP name: Miss
Pokémon: Misdreavus
Gender: female

History: WIP
Good/Evil: evillll
Banana: Boonana
RP name: Clover / Link
Pokémon: Zorua / Zoroark
Gender: Female / Male
Appearance: Clover looks like a normal zorua but with the whiskers cut off and she has a team aqua bandana around her neck for some off reasons / A normal Zoroark but on he bead (orb?) in his hair there is a team aqua bandana around it.
History: wip
Good/Evil: A little bit of both ya know they are/was the tricky fox pokemon.

Username: The_Legendary_Starlord
RP name: Kai (Nickname Scrub)
Pokémon: Noibat
Gender: Male
Appearance: A normal Noibat, but older. Wears a long, torn, Crimson red scarf that waves in majestically in the winds. Wears safety goggles during day, because sunlight is too much for his eyes.
History: He just wanted to go out, but everybody mocked him. So, he gathered his Courage and set out. He met Gem and Lock on the way.
Good/Evil: Good.
Banana: Boonana?
Other: Like a Deku Scrub, he is fearless and Courageous.

Username:The Legendary Starlord
RP name: Gem
Pokémon: Sableye
Gender: Male
Appearance: A Normal Sableye, But body is much more Crystallised and on the hands, some kind of Crystal Gauntlets. Has a green scarf around his neck.
History: After years of eating Gems and meditating, He decided to go out of hiding and do something good for all Pokémon kind. He asks to join Kai on his adventures.
Good/Evil: Good.
Banana: Boonana
Other: Like a Zora, he is wise and skilled.

Username: The Legendary Starlord
RP name: Lockehorn or Lock, for short.
Pokémon: Heracross
Gender: Male
Appearance: A ordinary Heracross, but with a bigger horn and bigger, buffer arms and legs. 2 blue cloth pieces tied to each of his arms.
History: Lockehorn was near perfecting his skills, until he ran into a little conflict. He was battle damaged and couldn't move for some time. Luckily Gem and Kai were near his area and helped him out by nursing back to health. He then joined Kai also as in debt.
Good/Evil: Good.
Banana: Boonana ^^
Other: Like a Goron, he is strong and powerful, yet kind hearted.
Casty was flying around, and coffing "cof, cof, cof, ew! there's this large smog coming from the city! wait..."
Casty started to turn into Smog Castform
"hihihi! I wonder what type I am now?" he asks himself
Dit was just sliding around, ignoring life.
Miss was flying around, looking for a Runestone "where is it!? WHERE!!"
noticing a ghost scream, Casty goes fly after Miss "what you are screaming about, ghost?"
"huh? its NONE OF YOUR INTEREST!" Miss says
"I guess that is." Casty says

Username: Wither
RP name: Lili
Pokémon: Liepard
Gender: Female
History: Wip (Can't think of anything right now o.o)
Good/Evil: Evil
Other: Is it fine that she can turn good X3
RP name: Lili
Pokémon: Liepard
Gender: Female

History: Wip (Can't think of anything right now o.o)
Good/Evil: Evil
Other: Is it fine that she can turn good X3

Username: Wither
RP name: Tim
Pokémon: Lucario
Gender: Male
History: Wip (Can't think of anything -.-)
Good/Evil: Good
Banana: Boonana
Other: pics not mine
RP name: Tim
Pokémon: Lucario
Gender: Male

History: Wip (Can't think of anything -.-)
Good/Evil: Good
Banana: Boonana
Other: pics not mine
RP name: Ray
Pokémon: Jolteon
Gender: Male
History: His parents left him as an newborn and he was raised up by an Flareon who taught him alot of things. He decided to explore the world, in hoping of finding one of the runestones. He did not want them to get into the wrong person's hands...
He has a nice and a insane side.
If he is angered, lonely or depressed his insane side comes out and he can't do anything to stop it, until he reaches his goal; Hurting someone.
Good/Evil: Evil, Pretends to be good. >:3
Banana: Boonana
Other: I'll post his insane version later probs
Stark was tweeting, and fluttering around, enjoying life as it was. He usually slept in Hearter Forest, where there was eternal peace, but he woke up everyday fearing DustClan. They were a huge threat, and even killed Pokemon in Hearter Forest, that is why no-one goes there. He flew around and saw Casty. He flew down and waved a wing in greeting.
(ERMEGED that took so long to write ._.
Accepted :>)


Username: GoatChild
RP name: Tazéma
Pokémon: Flygon
Gender: female
Appearance: a Flygon with a bandana/scarf tied around her neck (sometimes in different colors)
History: uh maybe later I can't of anything right now...
Good/Evil: primarily good, though she tends to act neutral
Banana: boonana
RP name: Tazéma
Pokémon: Flygon
Gender: female
Appearance: a Flygon with a bandana/scarf tied around her neck (sometimes in different colors)
History: uh maybe later I can't of anything right now...
Good/Evil: primarily good, though she tends to act neutral
Banana: boonana

Username: GoatChild
RP name: Chae (pronounced Shay)
Pokémon: Archeops
Gender: male
Appearance: see here
History: um, later- after school maybe?
Good/Evil: Evil >:3
Banana: boonana
Other: (If allowed,) He is a member of Duskclan and loyally serves Smoke and the clan as a whole.
RP name: Chae (pronounced Shay)
Pokémon: Archeops
Gender: male
Appearance: see here
History: um, later- after school maybe?
Good/Evil: Evil >:3
Banana: boonana
Other: (If allowed,) He is a member of Duskclan and loyally serves Smoke and the clan as a whole.
never again will you be able to return... ♪

never again will you be able to return... ♪