Forum Thread
LightYagamiFirekirby Helping Dex Service
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → LightYagamiFirekirby Helping Dex ServiceComment Which Pokemon You Want :
For LightYGamiFireKirby-
Lab hunt find: Chingling
Lab Hunt Finds: Staraptor, Ampibom, Skuntank
For unirainbowkitty
Box 3: Chatot, Purugly, Buneary
Box 4: Wormadam, Mothim, Pachirisu, Buneary, Happiny, Gabite, Riolu, Lickilicky, Phione
Box 5: Vespiquen, Floatzel, Hippowdon, Skorupi
Box 6: Toxicroak, Leafeon
Box 7: Tangrowth, Yanmega
Box 8: Lumineon, Mantyke
Box 9: Gabite, Mamoswine (If you're giving away Bastiodon and Rampardos too, add that to the list. c: )
Did you "Subscribed" this forum? : Yes
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Which Workers Box : Stated above. ^^
Ahhh sorry for the heap loads of request!
quilfish, gastly, volbeat, illumise, camerupt, bannette, abomasnow, watchhog, herdier, liepard, zebstrika, swoobat, maractus, crustle, garbador, amoongus, electrik, shelmet, diggersby, vivillon, corsola, whismur, taillow, slakoth, skiddo, rufflet, tranquil
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Profile/Contact/{About Me??} :Yes
Which Workers Box : lightyagamifirekirby