Forum Thread
The Fire Pokemon trainer Fanclub
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Pokémon Fan Clubs → The Fire Pokemon trainer Fanclub
If you have checked out my friend/rival's Water pokemon trainer's fan club...basicly this is the same thing.
For those who haven't, this is place where you can share your love of the Fire type pokemon, tell us your favorite moves; if you'd like share you art, stories, poems, dreams, etc...please nothing to personal. ;)
Please introduce yourself, add an image to show us your character (if you have one), or make up if you want to feel extra creative.
Let me introduce myself...
I'm Eber, a Fire type Trainer.
I like other kind of pokemon too but I love the fire types the most.
Why? Because fire type can be dangerous, but one you gain their trust and loyalty...the bond is unstoppable.
My favorite is Chimchar (and their evolutions).
Chimchar is just the cutest.

Along with my love for Chimchar, I love him doing a flame wheel.
Actually I don't really have a favorite attack or defence move yet...I just can choose.
So once again please feel free to add to the fan club. I look forward to hearing from you.

I like training all sorts of pokemon, but fire types are definitely the best.
I don't know why I love fire types so much, but it's probably because my favorite element is fire or something like that.
My favorite pokemon is, by far, Charmander and all of its evolutions. I don't have a favorite attack for him, I just love the pokemon, though anything attacking with fire is good, like Ember or Flamethrower.

You'll always be my rival and bestie! Good luck with the chimchars.
Title: to Soul-chan
I noticed they were limited on females (or as you said, we're unlucky) but I found it that way with the Eevees too. It took me forever to get a female, final able to trade for one (final have a few now).
Thanks for the support, hahaha.
Title: To Eber
A charizard which can mega evolve into X
A typhlosion (lvl. 100 ) it is my first pokemon and can OHKO foes using a single Erruption.
A blaziken whose Blaze Kicks make foes singe!
I like fire types, they're cool - as well as flaming.
By the way, @BlackSoul, I wanted my starter to be male on PH. And though I fot my favourite(Charizard) it was just the wrong gender! Female!

Title: to Vishesh
Sorry fan-girling a bit. :)
Torching is my favorite. I wanted it but had no luck. I love it's evolutions even more.

My most favorite

Title: to Proffpokemon
Thanks so much for sharing :)