Forum Thread
KnockOffTale - Undertale AU Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → KnockOffTale - Undertale AU ClubThings to Remember
Since this Club is directly associated with
the original UnderTale Fanclub, all members and staff of the
original club are a part of this club as well.
Any changes to this will be posted here.
Please also note that this first post is a WIP
Any changes to this will be posted here.
Please also note that this first post is a WIP

1. Please remember that this club is
for the AU KnockOffTale, not the actual game.
2. Follow all PH rules.
3. Please respect everyone else.
4. Do NOT post irrelevant topics here.
5. Don't post spam! Please use your palpad or personal feeds! :3
6. Please, no mini-modding! There are five mods, we can handle it, promise.
7. NO DOUBLE POSTING - Unless you are an owner or a mod.
8. Put all large images or Undertale spoilers in a spoiler tag!
2. Follow all PH rules.
3. Please respect everyone else.
4. Do NOT post irrelevant topics here.
5. Don't post spam! Please use your palpad or personal feeds! :3
6. Please, no mini-modding! There are five mods, we can handle it, promise.
7. NO DOUBLE POSTING - Unless you are an owner or a mod.
8. Put all large images or Undertale spoilers in a spoiler tag!
KnockOffTale LineUp (WIP)

Toriel: Berryl (Nessu)
Flowey: Rosey (Dameron)
Sans: Darling (noobly)
Pap: Castellar (Metta)
Napstablook: Saturnablook (me)
Monster Kid: Kiselina (peridot)
Grillby: Lantis (me)
Undyne: Sam (Temmie)
Alphys: Maryam Peeksel (Vonny)
Mettaton: Eissac (Metta)
Muffet: Chastae
Burgerpants: Sparklepants (Bellric)
Nice Cream Guy: Dice Cream Bunny (Dameron)
Temmie: Kemmie (Kitkat)
Asgore: Eudjinne (Tails)
Asriel: Luciel (Meme)
Chara: Gridd (PrussianDurg)
Gaster: Syncopate JenPen (Gaster)
Toriel: Berryl (Nessu)
Flowey: Rosey (Dameron)
Sans: Darling (noobly)
Pap: Castellar (Metta)
Napstablook: Saturnablook (me)
Monster Kid: Kiselina (peridot)
Grillby: Lantis (me)
Undyne: Sam (Temmie)
Alphys: Maryam Peeksel (Vonny)
Mettaton: Eissac (Metta)
Muffet: Chastae
Burgerpants: Sparklepants (Bellric)
Nice Cream Guy: Dice Cream Bunny (Dameron)
Temmie: Kemmie (Kitkat)
Asgore: Eudjinne (Tails)
Asriel: Luciel (Meme)
Chara: Gridd (PrussianDurg)
Gaster: Syncopate JenPen (Gaster)

I like the AR Darling font
Does that sound good?

[When entering the shop]
*Welcome to ESC-Brand Burger Emporium, home of the Glamburger.
*Sparkle up your day (TM).
[TALK before buying something]
*This is a restaurant, not a speed-dating event. Buy something first.
(if spoken to again) *Do you think employees stand at a counter all day to socialize??
(while purchasing) *What do you want?
(after purchasing) *Have an adequate day.
(canceling purchase) *Make up your mind before you say you're gonna buy something. The menu's RiGhT tHeRe.
(full inventory) *Get rid of some of your junk first.
(if after being spoken to) *Finally, you're using common sense.
* (And I'll actually get paid.)
* Are you serious? I'm not buying any of your junk.
(if clicked again) * (If you have any catnip though, you should give it to me.)
[TALK - Catnip (if they have talked about wanting catnip)]
* You got any catnip, kid? No?
* ThEn WhY dId YoU bRiNg It Up.
(if spoken to again) * (When is my shift over again?)
(the TALK stuff is mostly a wip. I can't think of any other topics right now.)
*Welcome to ESC-Brand Burger Emporium, home of the Glamburger.
*Sparkle up your day (TM).
[TALK before buying something]
*This is a restaurant, not a speed-dating event. Buy something first.
(if spoken to again) *Do you think employees stand at a counter all day to socialize??
(while purchasing) *What do you want?
(after purchasing) *Have an adequate day.
(canceling purchase) *Make up your mind before you say you're gonna buy something. The menu's RiGhT tHeRe.
(full inventory) *Get rid of some of your junk first.
(if after being spoken to) *Finally, you're using common sense.
* (And I'll actually get paid.)
* Are you serious? I'm not buying any of your junk.
(if clicked again) * (If you have any catnip though, you should give it to me.)
[TALK - Catnip (if they have talked about wanting catnip)]
* You got any catnip, kid? No?
* ThEn WhY dId YoU bRiNg It Up.
(if spoken to again) * (When is my shift over again?)
(the TALK stuff is mostly a wip. I can't think of any other topics right now.)
I hope this isn't considered off-topic. I don't think it would be, but just in case.
Oh man I'm hyped for this AU

clack, click, and clink
The puppets waddle on
All the strings are tangling
What a magnificent play
Have any opinions?
-This AU
On another note, that is a very nice OC you've got there.
Gaster is supposed to be the one who reincarnated my OC, turned her into a monster, and stuff
@Meme That's cool
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)