Valenslime is a Grimer that is bright pink and has red stripes
going across it's body. 'Valenslime is a Grimer that found a
Valentines Day card in the fountain. It is still looking for that
one person the card belongs to.' It evolves into Valuk with the use
of a Dawn Stone it is a Muk with a pink body and red head. 'When
Valenslime found the person and gave it the card, it evolved into a
Valuk; And while none know exactly how it evolved. Some say due to
the myth that it took a year to find the person. It is known for
constant hugs.'
It's not required to take it to a spriter/artist/mod, I believe- so
as long as the suggestion is a good one.
However, this event rather overlaps with our Valenfloon event. I'm
not sure whether it can coexist with the other one, unfortunately.
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rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)