I defeated the elite four!
Pokemon Trainer:Character from HG SS
Pokemon 1:Ferligatr
Pokemon 2:Gyarados
Pokemon 3:Umbreon
Pokemon 4:Ampharos
Pokemon 5:Pidgeot
Pokemon 6:Mamoswine
Extras: Got any pokemon you want to be shiny?: Nope!
I defeated the elite four! Username: Spencer Pokemon Trainer: Her Pokemon 1: Togetic Pokemon 2: Celebi Pokemon 3: Floette Pokemon 4: Swellow Pokemon 5: Altaria Pokemon 6: Piplup Extras: No Got any pokemon you want to be shiny? Nope
I defeated the elite four!\r\n Pokemon Trainer: N\r\n Pokemon
1:Umbreon\r\n Pokemon 2:Snivy\r\n Pokemon 3:zoura\r\n Pokemon
4:Ditto\r\n Pokemon 5:purlion\r\n Pokemon 6: pidove\r\n Extras: Got
any pokemon you want to be shiny? Yes. Pokémon 1 and 2 can be shiny
I am sorry. I cannot take your order because you did not follow the
rules. Please only one order at a time :) You can edit it to only
one order and save the next one until I am done with your first
Your order has been taken. I will work on it as soon as I can.
Your order has been taken. I will work on it as soon as I can.
I defeated the elite four!
Username: Xerneas
Pokemon 1: Typhlosion
Pokemon 2: Zoroark
Pokemon 3: Aagron
Pokemon 4: ninetails
Pokemon 5: lucario
Pokemon 6: Reshiram
Trainer sprite: Silver
Extras: the Aagron is shiny
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
I defeated the elite four! Username:GhostGem Pokemon Trainer:The One In My Avatar Pokemon 1:Wingull Pokemon 2:Chatot Pokemon 3:Swanna Pokemon 4:Jirachi Pokemon 5:Celebi Pokemon 6:Uxie Extras:Nope