Ginger sat on the tall branch and cleared her throat, "Attention
clan. I have an announcement to make. our last medicine fox died
from being murdered in the last battle.. Zaneo, is now our new
medicine fox. and You all know of the shadow woods... you know the
battle is near. The Shadow plants have been invading, and growing
more and more!"
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
( sorry for being inactive ): ) (just pretend I'm with you guys right now, wherever you guys
(turns out you are still in the same place :p)
Tiny congratulated Zaneo and asked him the question, "How do you
feel that you're the medicine fox now?" Then she said, "I would
feel great if I was the medicine fox!"
Ginger jumped down next to Zaneo. "the battle is getting closer, we
have fought off the Shadow Woods before, but now, were in desperate
need of new members, have you guys ever seen a red and blue berry?
its called the illusion Berry, legend has it that it can grant a
pokemon powers of Illusion, but its not an ordinary illusion. the
berry has larger effects on an eevee, when its eaten. sometimes the
results are temporary, and sometimes permanent. when a pokemon who
has eaten one of those berries, fights another pokemon, or is in
danger, the illusion that is seen around it increases and confuses
the enemy, also giving it headaches, causing it to be stunned."
Ginger turned her head in the direction of the beach. "a group of
eevee's are over near the beach, although I have seen them from
afar, and it looks like they have eaten some of the berries."
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
"Sounds mindhurting..." The Zorua turns her head in the direction
of the beach, and shifts into a cottonee. "Maybe we should go talk
to them. We can't have the shadow foxes get those mind-hurting
Only... 200 levels left to go... YAY! Needs Mega stone!
"What the heck?" The shocked zorua shifts into a ponyta and rears.
"WHAT DO WE DO WHAT DO WE DO WHATDOWEDO?" Miso looks up at the
(way to make an entrance.XD)
Only... 200 levels left to go... YAY! Needs Mega stone!
Ginger turned to frank shocked. "we need to help him!" She said to
Zaneo. She rushed into the den and looked at the medicine and
berries. "come on, we need to give him something to calm him first"
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.