Tiny decided to make herself useful, so she walked out into the
wilderness, and spotted a river. She waded into the river, and felt
something on her left paw. she pulled it out of the water, and a
magikarp was attempting to look cute and adorable by biting
her bite her! Tiny was amazed and rushed to tell Ginger about
this pokemon
Tiny ran as quick as her small legs could carry her to the river.
There she saw one of those red fish majestically fly out and land
back in the water. "See?" Tiny sighed because of the beauty of the
amazing fish
Ginger looked at them as they jumped in and out of the water.
"magikarps, they are truly majestic creatures," she nodded and
jumped into the water. "its also been so long since I've went
swimming. come on in!"
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
(:D magikarps are majestic!)
Tiny waded into the water, following Ginger. Tiny sighed, "It feels
so amazing, swimming with magikarps!"
Tiny thought to herself, "The water feels so good on my skin!"
(you know, this is actually the first time I have EVER roleplayed
on a blog/forum...)
Tiny joyfully followed Ginger, and looked around. The grass and
trees and bushes were all a beautiful shade of green, the water was
a fresh blue, the scent of spring was in the air. All the bird
pokemon were singing, and all the magikarps splashing around and
saying, "Karp!" and, "Magikarp!"
Ginger came to a stop as she entered a circular pond with Tiny, no
magikarps were here. "alright watch this," she said at she closed
her eyes and ducked under the water, the blue water started to
sparkle and little orange flames were shooting out, making the
water shine as sparks swirled around, Ginger jumped out of the
water. Flame and water trailed out behind her, making it look like
a light purple beam, the sunlight shone on the pond as water and
flame shot from the pool of water. The flame went away and the
water stilled as Ginger came back into the water.
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.