Forum Thread
Phantump Lovers
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Phantump LoversUsername: Queen_Pumpkaboo
Nicname: Luna
Why do you like Phantump? Well, I'm a sucker for the cute and misunderstood Pokemon. Phantump always has a special place in my heart beside my first love (Pumpkaboo). I featured Phantumps in my first Fanfiction on the site even. I enjoy ghost Pokemon that deal with spirits in any way, which is a lot of them haha, but Phantump really touches my heart due to this pokedex entry
How can people say they fear ghost Pokemon when this is what they are? Phantumps are dead children, how can this not touch someone's heart? Phantumps need love, not fear, and I'm happy to provide that love if you let me.
Will you obey WB2? Of course.

Okay for ideas for your Phantump club you could try doing what I did earlier and make a Phantump RP, people seem to like those.
Or maybe ghost stories, people could write a little short story about how Phantump became Phantump.
Or uhh... Quizzes, could have quizzes about Phantump and give out PD for the first place (even second or third if you like, but that's better if not a lot of people are competing)
Um, let's see... I see you already have art contests.
Oh, how about umm... Hmm. Yea I'm running out of ideas, I usually have more than this, maybe because I'm sleepy I did just wake up. If I come up with anything else I'll let you know.