Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Fanmades → BIG•FAT•ART•SHOP [UPDATES]
[ Updated shop appearance ]
[ Added a Trading section ]
1 • Yato
2 • -Asriel-
3 • Craig
4 • Toothie
5 • Liffy
6 • WhisperingThief
NO WARNINGS | If you don't read or follow the rules you will immediately be put on the banned list
• Do not ask me for free art
• No whining
• Do not rush me
• If you don't fill out the form, you don't get art
• You may offer Pokemon as well
• Please only one request per slot
• You may use the artwork as you please as long as you don't claim it as your own
Please don't send payment until I say; I may or may not accept your request
• Bakura • [ Posting before I had Prices and Examples ]
• SensGirl25 • [ Posting before I had Prices and Examples ]
[b]Request|[/b] Icon, Sprite, ect
[b]Payment|[/b] ---PD
[b]Reference|[/b] ---
[b]Extra|[/b] ---[/color][/size]
[b]Request|[/b] Icon, Sprite, ect
[b]Payment|[/b] ---PD
[b]Reference|[/b] ---
[b]Extra|[/b] ---[/color][/size]

FS: Ghost
This is only a temporary setup until I complete my dex
• Pokemon are tiered; whatever Pokemon you trade me will have an art style paired with that tier
• I do have a job so finding a time to trade may take time
• Most if not all of the Pokemon listed I am very willing to trade back to you. This especially counts for Legendarys.
• Perfect Pokemon or shiny Pokemon are not necessary and will not boost your chances of being accepted
• You may offer items to also trade for bonus art. Evolution stones and battle items are more preferred
• You may offer as many Pokemon as you wish
• This will be trading TO a copy of X
• I will accept only Pokemon listed. The only exception to this is high IV Pokemon from countries other than the US.
If you get accepted I will get with you to arrange a time to trade
[Pre Evolutions; Bonsly] • Simple Chibi
[Basic; Charmander] • 2 Simple Chibis
[Mid; Metapod] • Basic Chibi
[Fully Evolved; Snorlax] • Flat Fullbody
[Legendary & Other; Zapdos | Dusknoir] • Fullbody
'Other' includes evolutions via trade, stone, item, or IV pokemon.

145 Zapdos
146 Moltres
151 Mew
186 Politoed
192 Sunflora
199 Slowking
233 Porygon2
243 Raikou
244 Entei
250 Ho-oh
251 Celebi
362 Glalie
367 Huntail
368 Gorebyss
377 Regirock
378 Regice
379 Registeel
381 Latios
383 Groudon
384 Rayquaza
385 Jirachi
386 Deoxys
428 Lopunny
429 Mismagius
437 Bronzong
438 Bonsly
440 Happiny
461 Weavile
462 Magnezone
463 Lickilicky
464 Rhyperior
466 Electivire
467 Magmortar
468 Togekiss
472 Gliscor
474 Porygon-Z
477 Dusknoir
478 Froslass
480 Uxie
481 Mesprit
482 Azelf
484 Palkia
485 Heatran
486 Regigigas
487 Giratina
488 Cresselia
489 Phione
490 Manaphy
491 Darkrai
492 Shaymin
493 Arceus
519 Pidove
526 Gigalith
534 Conkeldurr
535 Tympole
547 Whimsicott
556 Maractus
562 Yamask
563 Cofagrigus
566 Archen
567 Archeops
576 Gothitelle
585 Deerling
586 Sawsbuck
592 Frillish
593 Jellicent
594 Alomomola
599 Klink
600 Klang
601 Klinklang
604 Eelektross
605 Elgyem
606 Beheeyem
609 Chandelure
633 Deino
641 Tornadus
642 Thundurus
644 Zekrom
645 Landorus
646 Kyurem
647 Keldeo
648 Meloetta
649 Genesect
699 Aurorus
706 Goodra
717 Yveltal
719 Diancie
145 Zapdos
146 Moltres
151 Mew
186 Politoed
192 Sunflora
199 Slowking
233 Porygon2
243 Raikou
244 Entei
250 Ho-oh
251 Celebi
362 Glalie
367 Huntail
368 Gorebyss
377 Regirock
378 Regice
379 Registeel
381 Latios
383 Groudon
384 Rayquaza
385 Jirachi
386 Deoxys
428 Lopunny
429 Mismagius
437 Bronzong
438 Bonsly
440 Happiny
461 Weavile
462 Magnezone
463 Lickilicky
464 Rhyperior
466 Electivire
467 Magmortar
468 Togekiss
472 Gliscor
474 Porygon-Z
477 Dusknoir
478 Froslass
480 Uxie
481 Mesprit
482 Azelf
484 Palkia
485 Heatran
486 Regigigas
487 Giratina
488 Cresselia
489 Phione
490 Manaphy
491 Darkrai
492 Shaymin
493 Arceus
519 Pidove
526 Gigalith
534 Conkeldurr
535 Tympole
547 Whimsicott
556 Maractus
562 Yamask
563 Cofagrigus
566 Archen
567 Archeops
576 Gothitelle
585 Deerling
586 Sawsbuck
592 Frillish
593 Jellicent
594 Alomomola
599 Klink
600 Klang
601 Klinklang
604 Eelektross
605 Elgyem
606 Beheeyem
609 Chandelure
633 Deino
641 Tornadus
642 Thundurus
644 Zekrom
645 Landorus
646 Kyurem
647 Keldeo
648 Meloetta
649 Genesect
699 Aurorus
706 Goodra
717 Yveltal
719 Diancie
[b]Friend Code|[/b] ###
[b]Trading|[/b] Pokemon Here
[b]Request|[/b] What youd like to be drawn, you may include specifics if you have many trades
[b]Extra|[/b] Items or request details or options[/color][/size]
[b]Friend Code|[/b] ###
[b]Trading|[/b] Pokemon Here
[b]Request|[/b] What youd like to be drawn, you may include specifics if you have many trades
[b]Extra|[/b] Items or request details or options[/color][/size]
W I G G L Y • I C O N
PRICE • 50,000PD
F U L L • B O D Y
PRICE • 100,000PD
S K E T C H • P A G E
PRICE • 130,000PD
Art Shop • Wishlist • To-Do
Request| Icon
Payment| 10k PD
Reference| Yami Bakura
Extra| N/A
Through the woods a girl came sadly.
Something broken in her chest.
She had dared to love another.
Alas, no better than the rest.
Up my path the girl came gladly.
Something opened up my doors.
I longed to stop her bleeding heart.
And so I called her to my shores.
Those you trust will hurt you badly.
Something now I'm sure you see.
So drown your tears in me my dear.
As you drown, my dear, in me.
Request| Icon
Payment| 15,000 PD
Reference| Frankie Stein

Request| full body <3(
Payment| 200,000 pd bc your arts worth more than 40k :0
Reference| -boop
Extra| gonna order more from you soon huhuhu <3

Request| Full body :'3
Payment| 50,000 PD
Reference| Poof
Extra|Will be sending now :o and if you can, could you add a little dinosaur with her?
Request| Full body
Payment| 40k PD
Reference| Art made by Rabou
Extra| Maybe add a cute little bandana around her neck? And your art is beautiful. Might I ask what program you use?

Through the woods a girl came sadly.
Something broken in her chest.
She had dared to love another.
Alas, no better than the rest.
Up my path the girl came gladly.
Something opened up my doors.
I longed to stop her bleeding heart.
And so I called her to my shores.
Those you trust will hurt you badly.
Something now I'm sure you see.
So drown your tears in me my dear.
As you drown, my dear, in me.
Request| Full body
Payment| 100k PD <3
Reference| her, art by Podunk
Extra| Your art is very cute and i'll be coming back often ok ok? I'd prefer she be feral though and a flower crown would be nice <3
Request| Wiggly Icon, please!
Payment| 75k PD

Request| Wiggly Icon
Payment| 150k PD <33
Reference| Ref (the popsicle and balloon are not part of the pokesona :'D It was drawn there for my b-day <3)
Extra| Might also tip bc hella cute art ;///;
Request| Full body
Payment| 100k pd
Reference| Made by LeChatBox
Extra| Please draw her with paws, not hooves.

Request| Full body
Payment| a Shiny Emolga + 100k
Reference| ref. one & ref. two both done by Twin.
Extra| Could his wand be in his tail? :>
I also plan to tip you, yis.

• -Kit-
• XxSpringTrapxX
• NovaSplitz
• Shenzi
• Neziki
• Salacune
I'll get a few of these done tonight, however please understand that I also take $$$ Commissions that I will take priority with. All things considered though, I'm fairly quick and it shouldn't be long.
Thank you!
Art Shop • Wishlist • To-Do
You don't pay, you get banned
Once all the payments have gone through I'll open up the slots!
P I C K • U P
DO NOT use these unless you were the one who requested it
W I G G L Y • I C O N S
F U L L • B O D Y S
Art Shop • Wishlist • To-Do
(Or saying in another way: do we have to get our slot right after you say something like "shop open now" and fight between us for your pretty art? xD)
Also, do you have interest in shiny Pokemon? :>
Personally, I think reserving is a bit overwhelming. Regardless of that there's no guarantee that I will accept your request.
I will look at ALL the requests, even if I they didn't get accepted before due to slots filled up. So if you want to post your request form even when I'm working on a batch, be my guest.
Alright, awesome! Just hold tight until I get the payments processed C:
Be sure to read what I replied to Abby! I'm sorry I can't reserve you a spot but feel free to post your request whenever.
Art Shop • Wishlist • To-Do