Forum Thread
The Fire Fox Clan
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However, if it was to be in a game, I think I would style the game unlike others, and have 3 pokemon replace the main. The 3 would be servants of Yvetal, Death, Limbo, and Resting, or Xerneas, Birth, Jorney, and Accomplisment. Death would be a reaper, limbo holds souls and sends them to their next forms(ie spiritomb, Yamask) and for resting, it would be made very, very unclear what it does, other then send souls to their final resting place. After all, this is more about life then it is religeon. For the life trio, birth would create souls(using other souls? I dunno.) Jorney would watch over souls on a Jorney(the 10 year old Jorney is an ancient tradition that this pokemon watches over), and Accomplisment would see that most souls eventually find the purpose in their lives. The current names for these pokemon are just placebos, the real ones would be a lot less obvious.
I thought a bit about Death, and have made some art and ideas for it. I'll put it on my first post, as too not get too off topic.
I never try Role playing, maybe I give it a try.
Username: PKcinda
Why do you want to be a healer?: I'm so weak and timid for fight. Also I like to help people, and if I had to fight, I will say sorry to the person I'm fighting against xD
Custom name: Ribbon
Personality: Shy, psychologically and physicaly weak, has a bad memory, distrustful of almost all the people (but caring of everyone), you have to earn her affection, doesn't like be the protagonist or the leader of a group., introvert.

username: meandmymagikarp
favorite type:
favorite Fox pokemon: eevee
why do you love this pokemon?: cuz I have one
password: Pepsi
also, I'm confused. What am I supposed to say/do in the RP to start out?
username: Piartho
favorite type (don't lie): Physic
favorite Fox pokemon: Deoxis
why do you love this pokemon?Because it is so strong . Looks sooo handsome
Ask me questions
username:Leo Baskerville
favorite type (don't lie): fire,psychic,ghost,fairy ( I don´t really have a favourite but I like these the most)
favorite Fox pokemon:(there many too but I decide to) Braixen
why do you love this pokemon?: Because it´s awesome it´s pretty ,cute and powerfull