Forum Thread
The Fire Fox Clan
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → The Fire Fox ClanThis weeks Featured fox is...
Silver Fox!
stick this in your signature if you want!

Population: 35
This is a Clan for the fox loving Trainers! Ginger here, is the one who thought of it.

So the Fire Fox pokemon that you can pick from are:
Zorua- The Tricky Fox
Zoroark- illusion Fox
Fennekin- Fox
Vulpix- Fox
Delphox- Fox
Braixen- Fox
Eevee- Evolution pokemon -I allow eevee because it and its evolutions look like foxes-
Abra- Psi pokemon -I allow it because many say its a fox-

-Subscribe once you are accepted (optional but preffered)
-you must have one of the pokemon listed above in the 'favorite Fox pokemon' box
-be respectful to other members
-do not criticize people for liking fox's, it is their opinion to like them, not yours.
-all pokeheros rules apply
-if you had read all the rules the password is Pepsi
-the REAL password is Darkrai
Foxes rule!
favorite type (don't lie):
favorite Fox pokemon:
why do you love this pokemon?
We fight for our peace and love,
with flare so big and strong.
spreading peace throughout the land,
like a small and peaceful pidove.
Events and Contests:
Contest: none yet
Event: Weekly fox! which Fox will be this week's best?
Cynderrocks78- Loving Fennekin Princess(owner)
WaningGrimalkin- Zoura the Mighty (mod)
SealVsGaming- Zoroark the Tough (mod)
Remy- Ninetales the Graceful
PKCinda- Braixen the Witch
Blackshadow- Zoroark the Tricky
Angell- Espeon the Enchanting
Aerith- Ninetales the Elegant
WhiteAndBlack2- Delphox the Sneaky
Pasta_Cat- Ninetales the Talented
ForestTrain- Zoura the Helpful
Laurarose77- Ninetales the Colorful
Amadea- Ninetales the Explorer
foodslover- Zoura the Fluffy
lopunny222- Delphox the Feirce
frankthetank3r- Eevee the Strong
noobly_face- Eevee the Silly
Leo Baskerville- Braixen the Artist
LazyHoneydew- Ninetales the Friendly
Lupa- Ninetales the Magical
zoroarkfan101- Zoroark the Funny
GhostGem- Jolteon the Hyper
CarpetMonster- Espeon the Grand
ikkeme- Flareon the Fast
Ash23- Zoura the Agile
Elenam- Glaceon the Lovely
SplashTheKittyCat- Eevee the Eager
BiglittlePoke- Glaceon the Bright
Glotilde2- Fennekin the Calm
Mega- Fennekin the Happy
webkinz78620- Delphox the Dark
Stella- Ninetales the Friendly
Woona- Zoura the Risky
DorkyDelphox- Fennekin the Sweet
M*A_Cheshire- Jolteon the Joyful
Rulers of the clan:
Roleplaying can be found here
Birth of the Fox Clan can be found here
Current/Active topics
username: Remy
favorite type (don't lie): fire
favorite Fox pokemon: Ninetails
why do you love this pokemon? It is so elegant and I like its white shiny form. Looks like a Kitsune
password: Pepsi
My Badges:

Username: PKcinda
Favorite type (don't lie): Fairy
Favorite Fox pokemon: Braixen
Why do you love this pokemon? Because I love foxes and witches, and is it a witch fox! Also, for some reason, it remember of a character of my fav. videogame.
Password: Pepsi

Favorite Type: Dark
Favorite Fox: Zorua
Why do you love this pokemon: I didn't at first. But I had one in my party for a long time, and I really grew to love him. He was bros with my Lucario.The Illusionary ability is also really fun. He evolves into pokemon that I kinda thought was weird at first, but now, I really like it because it's original and different. I like the Japanese Illusion-Fox theme of him too. That's why I love Zorua.
Password: ROOTBE-Pepsi.
I edited it:
BRO BRO FIGHT THE POWER! Kudos to anyone who got that.
username: Aerith
favorite type (don't lie): Dragon.
favorite Fox pokemon: Ninetales.
why do you love this pokemon?: Because I feel like if I were a Pokemon, I would definitely be a Ninetales since 9 is my favorite number, foxes are my favorite animals, and fire is my birth element in the horoscope.
password: Pepsi.

I'm trying to memorize Vulpix for try drawn it (I only can drawn in my school :p).
