Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → FontsExample:

[Font=Times New Roman]Text Here[/Font]
[Font=ArialBlack]Text Here[/Font]
[Font=Algerian]Text here[/Font]
I hope you implement this. But there is a Disadvantage of course, like Old English text may be hard to read and some texts may appear huge.
Feel free to oppose me, as I am sure everyone will have varied points.

However, I know in chat that I get annoyed seeing bold and italics over and over when people shouldn't be using them. My main concern is people I guess "abusing" all these different fonts by making a mess of things in chat rooms and forums. Might have ten different fonts on one page and that might not look pleasing to the eyes.
And again determining what fonts to use is also an issue, who decides what is difficult to read? Who decides which fonts stay and which don't? Who decides when and where they can be used? Things like that. People might like one font but struggle to read another while others can see it perfectly fine. Do we take that font away because those people don't like it? Or do we keep it because some people do?
Seems like an unnecessary struggle, I can read forums fine in terms of fonts, and although I'd like to be able to write in different styles I know some people might not be able to handle these fonts responsibly or people will have clashing opinions over them.
I'm talking about Forums, not chat.
People will not waste time just to make Bold, Italics and Underlines in Forums, seriously.
Riako will choose the fonts he knows how to read them easily, also Mods will also test which Fonts are easy to read and stuff.
Why is there "Hard to read" color, too? :P I mean, some colors are hard to read, so are Fonts.(Some)
So... what? If people can't do a simple [b] or a [i] in forums then how do you expect people to write [text=font]? Your entire suggestion would just be more work for people to do so you just defeated your own argument with this statement.
And these codes can't be exclusively used in forums, they'd be used in chats, PMs, signatures, where ever BBcodes are allowed.
And since I've seen people here aren't all native English speakers, do you think adding cursive fonts to the mix is going to help them any? I don't want to speak entirely for those people so if they are reading this please put in your input.
As for me personally I wouldn't even use fonts, I want people to not have to squint or decode my font when I write a paragraph of text. And having Riako and three mods decide what 10,000 people want to see when they read is practically unfair and a lot of work on them. Do you know how many fonts exist? Riako would have to take time out of him sorting out actual bugs to look up a bunch of fonts for us. And for what? What purpose? To make our posts pretty? We have colors for that. Fonts don't do anything in this case.
Why include this? I don't get the point. What does this add to the site? What does this improve? What does this make easier? What does this do?
Is doing optional fonts that you are already saying people won't use since they don't use bold or underlines or italics really worth all the effort it would take to find fonts, sort them out, decide which are goo and which are bad, make codes to use these fonts, and watch people write in suggestion forums "I want this font removed" and "I want this font added"
It seems like a lot of extra work and headaches just for fonts. What would be the purpose of them? Just to make pretty words? I don't see many forums with this option anyway and for good reason because forums will look messy with five different fonts in just one thread.